Planning my future (PGP)

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another blog post. As a teenager, I contemplate what I will do with my life all the time. My hobbies change relatively frequently, which makes it hard to predict or choose what I want to do when I get to collage/university. This project was all about marketing ourselves to employers, and planning our future so we can get a concept of what we might want to do when we grow up. For me, I want to do something music wise, but we will discuss that later in the blog. For now let me tell you about our project.

Our project:
Our project started out as us figuring out what we might want to do after high school. Some people found this assignment very hard as most people don’t even discuss this topic very often as it isn’t a priority for most people. As someone who is more introverted, I feel I naturally give myself more time to think about these types of things. For me, the choice was obvious, I want to do something music wise. My first choice was to aim for a sound technician job as it seemed realistic, an easy goal, revolves around music, and is a job that has a realistic pay that I could make a living off of. After we thought about what we might want to do career wise, we moved onto the “Marketing Ourselves” part of the project. This part consisted of us making business cards, resumes, and interviewee videos. Now that you understand the basics of our project, let’s move onto our milestones.


Milestone 1:
Milestone 1 was simple, but also difficult. This milestone revolved around the “Marketing you” aspect of this project. For this milestone we had to create a resume, one with a picture, and one without. I actually already had a resume created, though this assignment gave me some valuable time to revise.

Here is my first resume:

Here is my final copy:

Personally I am happy with my final copy. It gets my point across, shows what skills I have to offer, and gives a concise description of who I am and what experience I have.

Milestone 2:
Milestone was to me, a less important milestone. For this milestone we had to construct business cards. Personally business cards are useless to me at this age as I am not really looking for an advanced job or something that requires a lot of knowledge, though as with every project, I took it seriously and I personally am proud with how my final copy came out.

Final Copy:

Milestone 3:

Finally we are at our final milestone. This milestone consisted of a singular interview video. For this assignment we would be assigned one partner, where one of us would play the role of an interviewer, and one would play interviewee. Both of us would get a chance to play both roles. Sadly I can’t imbed the video as the file is much to large, and my partner does not want it posted to YouTube. So sadly I can’t show you my final product. But what I can say is that I am proud of what we created. Personally I love the questions we chose for the interview video, and the responses we gave to the questions were well thought out and sounded convincing. Overall, I think we did a great job at our interview video.

What I learned:

So, what the heck did I learn from all of this, and how did this project help me determine my future. Well, I learned not only how to manage myself and my priorities, but I also learned how to market myself towards employers. I learned this through our interview videos, resume building, business card building, and financial planning. This project was arguably the most important project I have ever done in PLP, and ultimately helped me figure out who I am and what I want to do. It gave me the motivation to go out into the world and apply for jobs, not only to just make money, but to build experience, and to plan, and ultimately secure my future career goals.


Overall, this project was vital to figuring out what things I want to save for, what I want to do after high school, and how I plan my future to look like on this planet. I really hope we do another project like this in the near future.

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