Spring Exhibition/Finances (Goodbye Grade 10)

Hello everyone, and welcome to the year-end blog post. Today marks an important milestone: grade 10. This past year has been crazy, with school, personal issues, and numerous other instances. If you want to see the accomplishments and goals I achieved this year, feel free to check out my TPOL blog post. Moving on, let’s jump right into our project and exhibition.

Our PGP Project:
I recently completed a project called “Marketing Ourselves,” which focused on resume building and career finding. I am including PGP in this blog because there were some aspects that we recently finished up in PGP. As mentioned before, PGP began with the “Marketing Ourselves” project, but then shifted towards finances. The key component of this project was the Stock Simulator. The stock simulator was incredibly fun, and I learned a great deal about finances and how the stock market operates.

The stock simulator involved us receiving $13,000 to invest in whatever we wanted. The participant with the highest amount gained would win a $20 gift card to Starbucks. Right from the start, I invested all of my money into NVIDIA and AMD. I knew that the stocks of these chip companies were about to skyrocket due to the increasing demand for AI and chips. In just one week, I made around $2,000 from these two stocks. Once I earned that money, I felt confident in my gains and sold all my stocks.

After about a week of not having any stocks, I discovered penny stocks. Penny stocks are undervalued stocks that you invest a large amount in, and even a small increase in price, like 1 cent, can lead to significant gains when you sell all your stocks. By investing all of my money, I was able to acquire approximately 8,000 shares in Nokia. Penny stocks turned out to be a tremendous success, and by the end of the simulator, I had gained over $5,000, reaching a peak of $8,000 at one point. Overall, this simulator helped me understand the stock market and its functioning, and taught me that investing can be a financially viable way of making money without having to work long hours.

Finally, we moved on to business cards. In our maker project, we had to create a podcast that aimed to influence people positively. Although there won’t be a separate blog regarding this project, I want to mention that we were tasked with designing business cards for our podcasts in PGP. Designing business cards was no easy task, but I was satisfied with the final result. Here are my cards:

Weekly stock simulator reflections:

Click Here




This brings us to the end of PGP. Keep reading to find out more about our exhibition.

Exhibition Project:
Moving on to the exhibition, this year’s exhibition was amazing. Our class decided to go with an office theme, and it proved to be a massive success and an overall improvement from last year’s exhibition. Each of us had our own designated space in the room, complete with our own desks. These spaces were labeled based on the theme of our podcasts. For example, I was located in the “Social” section of the office.

Now, let’s talk about what we showcased in the office. We presented our stock simulator results, our podcasts, and our business cards. You can listen to my podcast here:

Overall, this year’s exhibition was fantastic and genuinely fun. I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with all the guests, explaining the content of my podcast, and I am extremely pleased with the final outcome.


What I Learned:

So, what did I actually learn from both PGP and the exhibition this year? Well, I learned that collaboration can significantly enhance the final outcome. Without the involvement of my classmates, this year’s exhibition wouldn’t have reached the level of excellence it did. Together, we contributed to perfecting the idea and creating the ideal atmosphere. Working and problem-solving with others was a truly enjoyable experience.

To add onto this, PGP played a vital role in helping me determine what I want to purchase and the strategies I need to get the necessary funds. Adding onto this, it provided me with a valuable understanding of how the stock market works, a subject I have been eager to explore for quite some time.


In conclusion, despite this year’s challenges, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself and my abilities. I am incredibly grateful to the teachers and teacher’s aides who supported me in accomplishing these milestones and discovering my true self. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I look forward to reconnecting in grade 11.


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