Longer Weekends vs Shorter Weekends? (Scimatics)


Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog, today I’m writing about our most recent project, correlation vs causation. Every single project starts off with a driving question, our driving question is the thing that DRIVES our project forward, so in other words; the goal of this project is to answer the driving question. Then we have Milestones, Milestones are just below the driving question, they are little projects that are there to help us get ready to answer the driving question, so basically make us more knowledgeable in the area of learning we are reflecting on. Our driving question for this project was: ‘How are correlation and causation different?’

Our Project:
Our project was about correlation vs causation, we were challenged to create a survey and video or formal presentation that compares a correlation with no causation and a correlation that does have a logical explanation of causation between the variables. We are learning this because mathematical representations can be misused to mislead an audience. We need to be able to discern mathematical patterns from conjecture.

Milestone 1, for Milestone 1, of course we had a mind map, (We usually start off with mind maps) and mind maps are basically just a central thought, that leads to questions and conclusions. Our central thought was Correlation vs Causation, here is a picture of my first copy: and here is a picture of my final copy:
Milestone 2, Milestone 2 was titled  Correlation Numbers Template, for this Milestone we needed to survey our peers, and collect data about how tall they are, and what their hand size is. This was basically just to get us an idea of what our project would look like in the near future.

Milestone 3, Milestone 3 was our survey plan, we basically just needed to get peer critique on our surveys we have created so far, some of our feedback we got from our peer critiques are, “Clarify who our population is, and what sample.” So not a very big Milestone but a vital part in assessing what we should do better.

Milestone 4, Milestone 4 was our correlation graphs, for this one we needed to put all of our current data we have assessed into a pie chart. Here is some picture regarding that Milestone:

Milestone 5, Milestone 5 was our presentation outline, for our presentation outline we needed to make out an outline of our presentation, so make the script, and make the slides that explain our correlation and causation. Here is some photos of our outline:

Milestone 6, Milestone 6 was our final presentation copy, this was our final version of our outline from Milestone 5, we had to present and explain the work we did, we also had to show our graphic charts and what our correlation and causation were.

Curricular Competency’s:

Applying and innovating:

Applying and innovating was a hard competency to accomplish this year. As you know, iPads are full of games and social media platforms and this year I was caught 1 day, playing a video game. Due to this mishap I think I did an accomplished job at this competency, even though I had one day were I couldn’t seem to stop gaming, I tried really hard to stay on the task at hand. I would love to improve this competency, and I feel I can overall improve it by setting Do Not Disturb on in class, as well as setting more goals for myself, like not game in class.

Planning and conducting:

For planning and conducting, I feel I did an accomplished job, when doing we we showed two correlations, that were found using well crafted survey results, as well as using many different tools like, google forms, numbers and pages. Finally, we used two graphics that were analyzed to confirm correlation. To improve this competency, I would say we could use more advanced programs to enhance our learning, as well as making sure to check for anything that we could improve on.

Communicating and representing:
For this one, I think my group did an accomplished job, I say this because we used a verbal and pictorial explanation to help the audience understand the circumstances where both correlation and causation are present, and also where a correlation is falsely associated with causation. To improve this overall competency I think I should make my presentations over more informative, and more detailed with specified examples.

In conclusion, this project was fun but challenging, we hit a few roadblocks on the way but in the end we accomplished our goal and it turned out to be a fun project overall. Now or my answer to the driving question: ‘How are correlation and causation different?’ Well, Causation explicitly applies to cases where action A causes outcome B. On the other hand, correlation is simply a relationship. That would imply a cause and effect relationship where the dependent event is the result of an independent event. Thank you for checking out this months reflection post and I will see you in the next one.

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