Critical Feedback for the Better
Have you ever received critical feedback? Did you take it as a way to improve or as an insult? Well recently in PLP we have been receiving alot of feedback from our peers to help us revise our ads we have been making. We have had 3+ times now that we have had our fellow classmates criticize our work for the better. Some choose to take it while others chose to keep it the same. I personally revised my ad multiple times because it does matter to me what other people think could be better. With an ad, the whole purpose is for consumers to see it and say “Wow that is a good ad, we should go buy it!”. On my 3 ads (earthquake advocacy ad, business ad and tourist attraction ad) I have changed alot. At the beginning I got alot of people saying my text was to hard to read on the buisness ad so I made the colour darker. Another example is on my tourist ad I edited the photo so it would give more of a dramatic effect because someone said that it was too sad. Things like these comments are very useful and my ads wouldn’t have been as great as they are today if I hadn’t listened to the critical feedback.
Here are my 3 ads. These all are 3rd drafts and are close to being done because I don’t have that much revision to do anymore.
Thank you for reading,
Syrah 🙂