This Changes Everything
So recently in PLP we have been learning about how change and inventions create tension. We focused on how famous inventors were shamed on their outrageous ideas and how that fueled them to be the start of change.
We had many lessons that involved all types of media from guided notes to short movies or documentaries. We learned about all of the different changes in history and religion and also how things were run back then. The main time periods we focused on were the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Era and then Modern Times. Each era was associated with its own rules, style and social structure. For example, we learned about Feudalism and how it played a crucial role from the Middle Ages. We also learned about the boom in scientific advancements after the period called the Dark Ages. We were required to do short review in the form of a paragraph or notes that we later put into a large document called our “Renaissance Notes”.
Once we had done a large amount of research, we were put into groups for one of our end projects. Each group would focus on a specific aspect of life and how it changed over all 4 of the eras. My group was assigned to focus on transportation. More specifically, water transportation and sea ferrying. Each person in the group then chose an era to research. I did the Middle Ages. With all of our research we then had to create a book that would explain a bit about the inventions in that time period and how they created tension. We created many drafts and revised so many times that you wouldn’t even recognize our first attempt. I learned many new tips and tricks about Keynote and also about the importance of traveling efficiently on water in the Middle Ages.
After we had shared our booklets with the class, we had a new project to start that also had to do with change and tension. We were asked to use our previous knowledge from our advertising unit (click here for that blog post) and create a Sales Pitch for a new invention we would create in the future. The goal of the project was to successfully sell our new invention to a group of people that were from our chosen company. We would convince them to invest money in our idea just like in the show “Dragon’s Den”. We even watched a short episode of a tv show called “The Pitch” to help us incorporate important feature like Pathos, Ethos and Logos. My group decided to focus on a smaller scale of sea traveling and make a solar powered paddle board. Our presentation explained all the features of the invention and a model or photoshopped image of what it would look like. Another aspect of the pitch was that we had to create a fully detailed script that would go along with our keynote presentation. We were asked to have almost completely memorized it and say it as if we really were trying to become billionaires. Of course this process also included many drafts that got more and more professional over time.
Overall, if I was to reflect on this whole unit and answer the concluding question “How does change create tension?” then it would probably take an hour to go through all the things I learned. But, trying to keep it short I would say that the most important thing I took away from this unit, is that people are afraid of change. They are afraid that if a new invention that can completely adjust the way they live comes along it will hurt them. Change is necessary though and without it we may still be living in the Dark Ages where things are so great and luxurious. Change and advancements must happen for humanity to keep surviving and adapting, even if it will create tension. For example, if someone said that we would be connecting with billions of people through a World Wide Web, even 40 years ago, they would think that person is crazy and possibly outcast them just like they did to Galileo and Leonardo. The point is we need to see people with amazing and mind blowing inventions as gifted and smart as opposed to crazy. and psychotic. For they are responsible for why we live the way we do. So don’t be afraid to dream big and experiment with insane ideas just like we did in our past unit… we are