Blue Sky

So as the end of the year rapidly approached, we started getting ready for Blue Sky. Blue Sky is huge year end project that challenges us to create an invention that solves an issue. This year the theme was to help a specific age group. We first researched and brainstormed issues for each audience and how we could solve them. This lead us to making a device that would fix the issue. I chose to first focus on toddlers and tying shoes. Tying shoes was a common problem so I thought it would be good because I could have a large target audience. Each step of the way we would have a little lesson on how we were getting closer to the end. We would either watch a movie, read an article or play a game to help us narrow down our ideas. We were also asked to write a journal entry for each step of the launch cycle. The launch cycle is basically a chart that explains the steps on how to create an invention and then launch it to the world.

Once we had narrowed down an idea we had to make a prototype. This first one didn’t need to actually work or be to scale because we still also had to make 2 others. For each prototype we had to meet with a client or someone who we are solving the problem for.

One week before blue sky, I realized that my previous idea (to create a shoe with instructions on how to tie shoes) was not going to work out. The reason was because the 3rd prototype turned out to be more confusing than the actual process of tying shoes!

So I desperately tried to come up with new ideas for a Blue Sky project so I would have something to present. Luckily enough I did, and so I made a multi dog leash handle that would stop my dog leashes from getting tangled when I walk them. It was a lot of work to try and finish is by the 15th of June, but did it. I even got a chance to talk with my client for all 3 of my prototypes. She gave me constructive feedback on how to improve and what to keep.

Overall Blue Sky was a great experience. I worked so hard and yet I am so grateful that I did because of how it turned out. I learned many new presenting techniques and a lot of time management skills too. I am glad that Blue Sky is over but I enjoy looking back and seeing all of the amazing learning and work I put into it.

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