Destination Imagination Regonals LPP

[recomeneded- read the last post about DI before this one] Destination Imagination Regonals Post

We (PLP Navig8 and Flight) recently (Saturday April 8) competed in the Destination Imagination Provincials. My group and I got to have a fresh start, a second chance from our last… disaster.

Recap from last time-

45 minutes before we went on to preform our Engineering Challenge (see other blog post, link is below), we found out our structures were too big. The biggest part of our challenge, were two big and we would be disqualified. We tried to fix them, we really did, but… no. They broke during our cutdown-fixing and we had to present without the structures and came second last in our challenge.

Back to more recent times-

This time we changed a lot. We changes our two countries to Canada and America. Our story was as follows:
Two representatives from Canada and America meet to discus future plans for tsunami barriers in Oregon and Vancouver Island. They were planning this together so that when the time came, people who wanted to live and work in Canada from the states, could, and vice-versa. The two of them arrived with two different support designs and tested to see which one was stronger. Also two aprovee’s come and watch this exchange, they occasionally ask questions and are included in the decisions. After testing the structures and finding out which one is stronger, they discuss retesting, planning, fixing and updating all sorts of designs and models (the wooden ones, not Luca O). And thats the end of the story.

What we changed-
Obviously we didn’t change the cast, because we are the team that does the challenge, but we did change other things. So first things first, we changed the countries. We decided that we were going to change the countries to ones we knew more about… Canada and the USA. And we decided to change the world issue to tsunamis instead of earthquakes. We (I) rewrote the script to fit these changes as well. We also made new props to work with the updated version of the story; Blueprints, a map and a tsunami tester (that was unable to be used at the competition as we weren’t sure we could have water on stage or not). We also had our team choice elements changed, for our group our elements were; a huge human sized TV screen, and our blueprints. They were originally, the Tv screen and a 3D map, but we changed it when we added the blueprints to the project, and made the map our art creation. Thats brings me to the Art and Science creations for our challenge, which we changed. So, our map was our art creation from the beginning, but after changing our story from earthquakes to tsunamis, we needed to change our science creation from a earthquake severeness tester, to something that has to do with a tsunami. So we made a tsunami tester. Those were most of the changes from the first time to the second.

Our performance-
We did much better the second time around. Way better, as in, everything went way better. We had one section where there was a bit too long of a silence, while the structures were being tested. The performance went well, we remembered our lines, managed to keep the structures in tact the whole time (even when they were supposed to break), and we apparently did really well, at least we thought so. When we found out we came in 7/9, I didn’t really mind. Because I knew we did our best and were proud of our work.


I think that for our second round, our second chance, my group did really well. We pulled ourselves together and did a much better performance then last time. An we all learnt a lot about team work and leadership and needing to be responsible for ourselves and what we need to do. And I think we maybe, just maybe had a bit of fun.

This was my LPP on the Provincials of Destination Imagination and I hope you enjoyed.

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