I Grew 10 Inches!

  That’s right! Maybe… Okay, not physically. My mindset did though. 

   At the beginning of the year, we learned about growth and a fixed mindsets. Growth mindset is when you believe knowledge can grow and is consistently evolving. Fixed mindset is when you believe that knowledge is static and cannot grow anywhere other than where it is. 


   Like my other classmates who I’m guessing used the same example, Destination Imagination. The reason for my choice is that before Destination Imagination, I had a pretty fixed mindset about a lot of things. I didn’t think I could participate in group work and do a good job, and I also didn’t believe I could quickly solve problems in a short amount of time. 

   Instant Challenges really stretched my mind. My group never really did well, we were always placing last. You could tell how our mindsets on Destination Imagination grew because at the tournament, we placed FIRST in the Instant Challenge! 

   Onto the actual challenge. I don’t want to go too far into it because I have a post on Destination Imagination already, but I’ll fill you in on a little bit. 

    Figuring out our challenge was a challenge all together. For one, we didn’t understand the whole envelope concept, and we had no idea for a TechiClue. 

   Also, my group didn’t really work well together. It took us a while to realize that D.I wasn’t a little class presentation and it did require serious and focused work. 

  I think Destination Imagination helped with my growth mindset because it improved my skills of working in a group (skills I doubted I would ever inherit…) and my speed in solving problems (another skill I never thought was possible for me!) 


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