A Modern Caesar

Do you ever think to yourself: “What would Shakespeare’s plays be like if they were modernized?”

I doubt you actually have ever asked yourself that, but lets just pretend you have for the sake of this blog post.

In Humanities, we were learning about Julius Caesar and the fall of Rome. Near the end 0f our unit, Mrs. Willemse told us that we, the students, were going to make our own version of the play; The only difference being that our version would be set in our current time period.

After being assigned groups, we began to choose our scene. My group came to the decision of Act II, scene II. This scene told the story of Cassius, who was trying to convince Brutus to join the conspiracy against Caesar.

Next, we started the actual planning. We divided ourselves into roles. Robbie and I wrote the script, Angela and Will worked on strong visuals, and Alex and Ethan created props. Our group worked smoothly and efficiently, which was awesome!

Once that was all critiqued and finalized, came rehearsal! Memorizing lines, creating space efficient staging, and working on acting. These were all steps of creating a strong presentation.

The concluding product was pretty good, if you ask me. It wasn’t perfect, we forgot a few lines, but other than that we worked good together and had fun.

Looking at room for improvement, next time we have to rehearse more. Also, we have to remember to use all of Keynote’s features well and creatively. \



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