I Went to Heaven?

Well, not necessarily… but close. I went to the Highway to Heaven, which is good enough for me, because I’m pretty sure that in Heaven you have to wear huge angel wings and there is no way I can get into my moms small car with those things on my back. 


I, along with my fellow Flight (I mean Navig8, sorry Mrs. Willemse) students have been learning about worldview and religion. Lately, the hot topic in humanities class is how religious worldview is displayed in the real world. A mouth full, but it’s still interesting. 

To help answer this question, we went on some field trips. Over a span of three days, my class travelled to temples, churches, monasteries, synogauge, and a few other places. We tried Sikh food, saw huge temples with intricate designs, and went behind a big door to find three Torahs. The highlight of my three days was trying the Sikh food, because it was way better than I expected, and going into the Buddhist temple, because of how interesting it was on the inside. 

Here are some pictures to illustrate my trip. It was a great experience, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to see all the religions in action! 

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