The Renaissance Through My Eyes

Welcome back to your favourite blog! 

Lately, we’ve been learning about the Renaissance, as well as worldview. Learning about worldview is an understatement… My block 1 class lives, eats, breathes and sleeps worldview. So, the assignment. We had to create a visual that showcases how the worldview in the Renaissance is similar to our western worldview. We handed in two drafts, and were critiqued by our peers, of course. I created mine in my favourite app probably ever, Paper by 53. 
Here is my first draft

I was pretty content with this, because the cities looked kind of cool in my opinion, but it really didn’t show how worldview changed, so I changed the background. 

In this background, I put some of the categories that make up worldview, and I also made the Renaissance background blue as compared to the city background to show how pollution has affected the world. 

This picture still wasn’t all that amazing, so I decided to make one more draft. 

 This picture looked sharper and cleaner, the colours were more vibrant, and as you can see, instead of listing all the categories of worldview, I listed the things that I thought were important to the time. The Renaissance had words like trades, money, art, knowledge and the city had technology, money, equality, and social status. 
I am happy with the overall visualization, and I think it shows the differences and similarities of the two worldviews well. 

It’s not over yet though… Before we did this, we were assigned a TRIPLE venn diagram to complete. In this venn diagram, we were comparing three people from the Renaissance, a thinker or humanist, an artist, and a scientist or mathematician. I found this kind of difficult, because finding similarities between them was hard, and as you can see below, I literally flunked the middle bubble. Other than that, some of the similarities I listed were pretty decent and the colours were a nice touch. 

Until next time….


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