I Won a Triatholon?

At least a part of me did… That part being my thumb… And the (track?) being my iPhone screen. I swear I have scrolled hundreds of kilometres this summer on Instagram alone. Thank GOD Netflix doesn’t tell you how many hours you spend on it per week. The power of that function (good thing it doesn’t actually exist) would most likely force me to reevaluate my life choices. 

So, what have I been up to in this gloomy summer weather? If you’re not counting the whole Netflix/sleep/iPhone situation, I’ve done a few things. Calgary for one, it was interesting. The city itself is kind of dead at night which surprised me, considering Vancouver is always awake. Always. The reason we travelled to Calgary is my mom’s business was participating in a huge pet fair/exhibition. It was apparently quite the party, however I was writing an application for a school so I couldn’t really experience the fun. My hotel room was comfy though, and once the fair was over we went for chicken wings, which honestly was a huge highlight. 

Banff was super fun, aside from the thirty dollar popcorn that made me a bit nauseous. Maybe that was a result of also eating Mexican food. And then driving for 5 hours. Who knows. 

We went to Ghost Town and saw some pretty old stuff. Cars, trains, buildings… It was actually so so cool. I would insert photos, but my phone kind of broke right after the trip and I lost all my data. Anyways, I got to look at artifacts from the early 1900’s, and walk through old trains. It was super neat and really fun. 

This isn’t really an event that happened, but I figured I’d get the news out and say that I am moving to Vancouver Island. I still have a year on the main land, so I can have fun in Flight, but I’m actually very excited! 

Lastly, I started soccer once again. I’ve been playing at camps every single day (so much for sleeping in) and I CAN NOT wait for this season to start. My team is awesome and I missed my gloves and cleats a lot. 

I hope your summer was more eventful than mine! Even though I didn’t do much, I still had fun sleeping and eating. Feel free to send some food from one of the magnificent places you travelled to. 
Summer 2017, here I come. 

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