My World Travels

Summer 2016, where do I even start? 

I guess I could talk about Greece, or Italy, maybe the extravagant ducklings I saw in Bali? 

Or I could tell you the truth and just say I did basically nothing all summer, that works too, right?

Summer, summer, summer. I covered most of it in my other blog post, but a lot can happen in my interesting life within just three short weeks. For one, I started soccer again and my team is pretty awesome, or maybe I’ll talk about the really cute dog I’m babysitting. Either way, I slept for most of the summer. Sorry!

I must say I’m dreading waking up every morning to go to class, but I can’t wait to see my friends and get some noodles from the cafeteria. Even a little part of me misses P.E class? 

If you really want to know about my absolutely stunning travels that all occurred in my dreams (in a IKEA bed! Jealous?!) click the link here 😉

Have a great 5 days until I see you all again! 

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