Blue Sky 2016

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Blue Sky… Oh my, where do I even start? 

I guess the process of creating my idea comes first. I had no ideas whatsoever for the first long while, so when I came to the conclusion of creating a project on music therapy, I was thrilled and relieved. Before my idea was approved, I had went through many drafts. My original idea was just to study the bioneurology behind music, but of course, that wasn’t a design so I went onto my next idea. I blew through drafts about goal kicks in soccer, more musical stuff and then I finally found my idea: Creating an experiment to test music therapy. 

Now, creating the project…  this is way too much to explain in text, so I’ve decided to create a video instead. This was a great project, and I have to say I’m very proud of my work.

Click here to watch the video

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