Coffee Addiction

   To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, us Flight students were greeted with a group from to tell our story about what being Canadian means to us. The organization was hosting a competition, whoever had the best video about what Canada meant to them would win some pretty cool prizes. Obviously because there was money involved, we were all pretty keen on participating (and they brought pizza.) 
   The first things most people think about when you ask about Canada are probably things like 

     1- Hockey

     2- Cold weather 

     3- Tim Hortons

     4- “Eh” “Sorry”

     5- We ride polar bears to school, which by the way, our schools are obviously igloos with some desks in them.
   You see, they aren’t exactly wrong… I do love each and every one of the things I listed — even though I’ve probably never said ‘eh’ and I can’t say I’ve rode a polar bear either. So what really makes up us Canadian people? I can tell my story, and maybe you can get an idea. 
    My Canada was my previous trip to Vancouver Island over the winter break. It was snowing horribly, and we really had to catch our ferry. My mom got in our jeep shivering and the first words to leave her mouth all morning were directed at my dad. 

   “Honey, I know we need to catch the ferry and we’re running late, but I really need a Timmy’s coffee.” 
   My dad laughed, along with the rest of our family. He nodded and made sure to stop by our local Tim Horton’s, even though it made us miss our ferry. I think even though it was such a stereotypical and Canadian act of desperation for Tim Horton’s (don’t tell me you’ve never craved a coffee and donut from the god given Canadian franchise), it really showed how we will do anything for coffee — or in my case, a French Vanilla. 
   Now that you’ve basically had some insight from a typical Canadian teenager, let’s talk about my process of making the video. I started with thinking of a story. I started with a story about watching my brothers play hockey, but I didn’t like the outlook of the overall video, so I changed it to the story of when I went to the island. I had already filmed footage from a long time ago driving to Timmy’s, and it worked super well with the story so I used it. When we did the peer critique, I was told to make my clips slower when it came to transitioning, so I cleaned that up.
   Overall I’m happy with the product. I think it really showed my passion (Tim Horton’s coffee, obviously) and it was fun to put together. 
Lots of luck for the other entrees!!

Watch my entree here

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