
I tend to be inspired by many things… “many” being an understatement. From the wonders of space to the idea of helping the world with just a smile, I love inspiring others and taking inspiration from different things.



I’ve always been inspired by music, and I think it starts with the lyrics. I would call myself a very poetic person, therefore when lyrics in a song register kindly with my mind, they inspire me! I take writing inspiration, art inspiration and sometimes even life lessons from the simplest lyrical poetry. From the strangest of tunes, a single line sung can spiral my mind into a million different paths.


The idea of being immersed in a huge universe that is nearly completely undiscovered will never fail to impress and inspire me. Since I was learning about basic astronomy in the first grade, I always wanted to dig deeper on the idea of space. I constantly buy new books about the science and read articles about it, I’m forever saving for a high tech telescope. I guess you could call me a space nerd. 🙂

Helping the World

“There’s a little bit of good in everyone”, or at least that’s what I’ve always believed. Helping the world in any way I can will always be one of the biggest priorities in my life. Even just sharing a smile with a complete stranger can help make our world brighter! My dad has always been a role model for me when it comes to donating what he can to help others in need. His drive to participate in The Ride to Conquer Cancer each year and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for cancer patients is just one of the many things that inspires me. There will never be a day where I say no to helping the community or volunteering.


It is with no doubt that I can say that I love reading and writing. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to read everything from random books I find in my aunt’s cabin to glossy hardcovers that I save up for. Literature is such a personal and creative thing, to me it’s someones mind! When I’m writing, I can just allow myself to be creative and somehow, I never run out of ideas! Writing is something that I am always wanting to do, and it’s something I never get bored with.