
To me, music is one of the most important things in life. It has the power to change my mood, making me feel an abundance of emotions at one time.

Ever since I’ve been a young child, I’ve turned to music as almost a safe ground. Knowing I can count on a song or playlist to help alter my mood comforts me, like a warm hug.

Playing the piano will always be a part of me, from learning on a keyboard with just thirty-two keys to playing on a baby grand. The art of a piano, if you really look at the chords and the intricate designs inside the body of the instrument is amazing.

The science behind music really fascinates me, but then again, I’m fascinated and inspired by most things around me. I think that the chemical reaction in your brain towards a song — making you feel the emotions you do — is such an interesting topic to learn about. The fact that I can listen to a song from my childhood and feel happy about it is actually a chemical reaction? Crazy!

Music and musical psychology will always be a passion of mine — from playing a piano piece to blasting Christmas music from my earbuds, I will always have a large place in my heart dedicated to it.