Grade 8 Oregon Trip 2017

To start the PLP grade eight year, our class had been reading a book all about intertidal life, and we’d been learning about advertising. My classmates and I were also getting ready to go on our BIG WEEK LONG field study to the Oregon Coast! Before we left for Oregon we read an iBook called, “The Highest Tide,” during the reading we highlighted any intertidal life the main character, “Miles” came across. The reason we did this was because we were filling out a chart that explained what the species was and some facts about each one. When we were in Oregon we were going to be visiting tide pools, in the tide pools there would be a lot of intertidal life and this way we could identify and know what we were looking at. One of the places we went to that had incredible tide pools was Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach. For more information about Haystack Rock click here.

Another project we did in Oregon was create a scrapbook on our iPads using an app called book creator. For each day their would be a page or two that you had to fill with pictures, drawings and answer questions of the things you did that day. Creating the book was a really fun thing to get to do everyday because it gave you a chance to design something yourself and customize it to make it represent and look like you.


Another cool project we did while in Oregon was the advertising project. Before we left for Oregon we got into ad groups and picked a business we would be visiting in Oregon. While we were in Oregon we would interview our business and create an advertisement for them. After many critiques we would email them to the business. To read my full post on “The Process Of Advertising” click the link here.


One of the many exiting things we got to do in Oregon was visit a place called Highlife Adventures and go zipping! Are two guides were really fun and let us go two at a time and race. The zip lining had eight courses and we went over lakes and trails. The second last course was over a lake and you could choose if you wanted to get wet or not. Of course I wanted to get wet so the guide at the other end bounced me super high and I hit the water and got soaked. Zip lining was so fun, especially since we got to go with all of our new friends.

Another cool place we got to go was the Oregon Coast aquarium. Their were amazing animals their that we got to see and touch in the touch tank. We learned about all kinds of creatures and some we got to meet up close. Theirs a pelican who has his own home at the Oregon Coast Aquarium who came to say hi to us and help us learn about him and his species. The pelican has his own home at the aquarium because he can’t be released back into the wild. The aquarium was a lot bigger than I thought it would be but it was all awesome.


Our class also got to go on a fishing boat. On the boat we saw Sea Lions, a Baby Squid and Grey Whales. Getting to see Grey Whales up close was incredible, at one point a huge Grey Whale went under the boat and came up on the other side only a few meters away from the boat.


The last thing I had to mention that we got to do was stay in yurts! The yurt site was one of the highlights of the trip for me, at night we got to talk by the campfire and eat marshmallows. Not to mention listen to some interesting ghost story’s. At night you could sit in your yurt with all your friends and talk while working on creating our scrapbooks.

The Oregon Trip was an awesome experience, especially right at the beginning of our grade eight year of high school in PLP. We got to know everyone and create great friendships for the years ahead of us.


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