The Process Of Advertising

In my humanities class we learned about advertising. During our advertising unit we were put in groups of four, in our groups we called a local business and asked if we could speak to the manager to set up an interview. We wanted to talk to them about their advertising. Everyone had to make a print ad for the business their group was doing. After we made our first drafts we critiqued them as a class and with our teachers. We all made many drafts and learned from each one. We did this almost every day until they were ready to be shown to our businesses. I think everyone looked back at their first draft and saw how terrible it was compared to their ad now.


During our advertising unit my class and I were getting ready to leave on our big field study to the Oregon Coast. (To read my Oregon post click link here) While we were in Oregon we were going to be visiting many business, one of the things we were going to do to wrap up our advertising unit in Oregon was interview one more business per group. My group got to interview a woman from the Oregon Coast University, she worked in the Hatfield Marine Science Center, that was the business we would be creating our ads for. Before we left for Oregon we made ads the best we could using pictures we found online. This way we could show her and she could tell us what she wanted on the ads. My group mates and I had contacted her prior to our visit so we already knew what we were going to ask her. The Science Center had just recently added a new addition to the Center, a Giant Pacific Octopus! The octopus is what we all based our ads around. Our end ads were pretty good seeing as we are in grade eight and aren’t professional advertisers.



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