Knockin On Heavens Door


There are so many religions and so many people on earth and I believe that if we were all the same there would be no earth. Our worldview affects who you are and everything you do and see changes your worldview. Everyones worldview is different, that’s why we are so unique because know one is the same as you.
This term my classmates and I learned about worldview and world religions. We visited local religious places and got the opportunity to talk with and listen to people in various religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism. Another project we did was create religion infographics. We also created videos about each and everyone of our world views and what we think affects and changes our worldview. We did this using an app called Explain everything. Click the link here to watch.



One main world religion myself and a few classmates Jordyn, Kiera and Jackson studied was Buddhism. Buddhism had some similarities to the other religions but also has some major differences. My group members and I had some things we wanted to share and ask the woman at the Temple, fortunately we got the chance to do so. The woman seemed to know a lot about her religion and had some interesting things to say. One of the many things that she said stood out to me was, “ in Buddhism we know that it is important in this world to have money to support your family and we don’t care how much money a person has, as long as they do good with it and only keep what they need, they will be considered good.” This made a lot of sense to me and I agreed with everything she was saying, Buddhism is an amazing religion because the people give up so much and are still happy because they know that all they need is a calm mind and they can do and achieve anything.



Some other places my classmates and I visited was a mosque which is an Islam church, a Gurdwara which is a Sikhism church, a Hindu Temple, a Cathedral which is a Christian church and a Judaism Church.



We went to so many places and learned a lot, I have many highlights. One highlight for sure was visiting the Gurdwara, a Gurdwara is what you call a Sikhs sacred place, or better known as a Sikhism Church. Sikhism originated just northwest of India and Pakistan, at the time there were two main religions, Islam and Hinduism, however Sikhism started to evolve in the area around 1500 CE because Sikhism was so different than the other two religions. The Sikhs were the last place we visited and it very interesting to learn more about there religion because they were so open to the public and anyone who wanted to come into the Gurdwara was welcomed as long as they weren’t disrespectful, which meant wearing a piece of fabric over your head. In the Gurdwara they served lunch so we got to eat there which was fun because I rarely get the chance to eat the kinds of food they had, it was all amazing.



The final project we did to wrap up our unit was create an infographic on a religion. An infographic is a page of facts, grafts, pictures or anything that helps you understand something. For instance there might be an infographic on world landmarks, however in my case my group created an infographic telling people about a Buddhists worldview. Our class was already divided up into five groups of four and we all already had our assigned religions my groups religion was Buddhism. We had to create an infographic on A Buddhists worldview. First we started by researching on what were the most important things in the Buddhism religion and then found how those things affected there worldview. We went through many drafts of writing paragraphs and story’s about there worldview before we even knew what we were putting on our infographic.


In the end of that part in planning we decided that the three most important things that affected their worldview was charity, respect and meditation. Charity is so important in a Buddhist worldview because they believe that you should only have the essentials in life and give what you don’t need to people who really do need it. Respect is also important in a Buddhist worldview because they believe that young people should respect their elders since old age is a time of suffering and Buddhism is about no suffering. Lastly meditation is also such an important aspect in Buddhism because Buddhists believe that the only was to have a clear and calm mind it is mediate and with that you can do and achieve anything.



During the process of creating our infographic our group had many arguments and disagreements, my group also must have made at least eleven drafts of our infographic but a huge part of our program is learning to be in a group dynamic and work out all the problems we have. This way instead of submitting something once and getting a satisfactory grade, we can keep improving our drafts until we create something we’re incredibly proud of. I know that this is what we did and I’m very proud of our finished outcome!



Bye for now!


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