A Million Miles To The Sea – A short story

A million miles to the sea



December 7th (1 week old) 

Hi, I’m a dog. I have short black fur with one white paw as well as the tip of my tail. My ears are big and stick straight up. I live in a cold place where snow falls and lice covers the ground like sheets. Oh and also, live in a dumpster. 

Where I was born there were so many puppies just like me, that no one wanted, so they brought us to the dump. Along with fifty other pups we were dropped off and they quickly drove away. Two days after being dropped off, all the pups but me and two others had sadly died from the freezing temperature and no parents to feed us. Three days later, the other two pups died as well. I was the only one left. Freezing in the snow and ice that filled the air. Hungry, scared and alone.  

May 31st (5 months old)

They took me this morning. I was sleeping on an old crumpled up newspaper when I heard the voices coming to take me. I knew exactly who they were. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew a I needed to run. I ran as fast as I could. As fast as my four furry legs would take me. But it was no use, the voices were only gaining on me. They had big scary boots, matching shirts and long nets. It only meant that they were there for one thing. To take me to the place where all strays like me go eventually, if they haven’t been eaten by a wild beast already. The pound. The place where all strays go to either be killed or adopted. But no one would ever want a mutt like me. I looked behind me and saw that they were still chasing me, and gaining. Faster and faster I ran. I was ready to give up, until suddenly…

I turned my head and bumped into something and fell over. It was a person, who quickly picked me up and slung a weird blue sparkly necklace thing over my neck, attached to it was a long rope with a handle. There I stood in the hands of a stranger, not moving, not running just standing. Waiting as the people chasing grew closer and closer. The person was a girl, a kind girl, waving her hand at the others still trying to catch me. As they came to a stop we all stood a few feet apart them staring down, just waiting to get their greasy horrible hands on me. Who was this girl? What was she doing? And what did she want with me? Was she one of them? All of a sudden she spoke, she said that I was her dog and thanking them for finding me. Was she crazy? Did she really think that I was her dog? She quickly walked away and I followed, not really having a choice due to the sparkly blue necklace I was wearing, attached to the rope she was holding in her hand. The scary people walked away shaking their heads. As I followed this mysterious girl farther down the trail to a clearing. I got into a strange rolling box where I sat on a seat behind hers. She drove the box for the better part of the night. I shut my eyes and drifted off into a deep relaxing sleep. I’d never been that warn at night and was able to fall asleep in three seconds flat. My eyelids slowly closed and the darkness drifted away. 

May 32nd

I woke up with a jolt not realizing where I was, and who was patting my head! I was on a couch with strangers sitting next to me, patting my head and scratching behind my ears. I had know idea where I was or what was going on, but I enjoyed the comfort and warmth. 

Suddenly the girl walked into the room. She was wearing a white dress along with her long curly blond hair. She smiled as she walked closer and closer to me. Until she picked me up and held me in her arms, pressed her lips against my head and smiled. She whispered in my ear and said that I was safe now. She spoke with a soft voice and had a sweet smile. I felt a sense of relief and fell back into her arms drifting off into a peaceful sleep. 

December 1st (one year old)

I celebrated my first birthday today! I still live with the kind people who care for me and feed me. We live on a big box now that floats on water! With a ginormous mast sticking straight up, off of it is a big peace of fabric that flows in the wind.

I swim in the water every day and love sleeping next to my best friend. The girl who saved my life and gave me a new one. It may have taken a million miles to get where I am, but it was worth the journey. 

Based on a true story of my dog…

By Taylor Slater


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