Creepy, Scary Skeletons…


Welcome and happy Halloween!



What you just watched was my live event video! I created and documented my schools Halloween costume contest in an awesome short video to show all of you some of the highlights. 

Now let’s look a bit further to the process of my live video creation. 

At first I was stumped I didn’t know what to do for my video because it was my choice. I had a few ideas but none of them were right. Then, I had the idea to create a video of me tuning my skis. 



I know what your all thinking, “not much of a LIVE video.” Well that’s what I realized after I was finished. However, the great thing about PLP is that nothing can be revised to many times, so I had a new idea and started again. 


My next idea was to document our schools live consume contest and pie eating contest. I quickly got together my ideas and wrote down a plan because the contest was later that day!



I created a plan and was ready to document at the live event and create an awesome video of the contest. 



One of the hardest things about creating the video was the camera angles. It wasn’t easy to get a clear shot of the people coming down the runway and getting different angles was another issue. I decided to have two main shots of the runway people. One was from the bleachers, it was a full on shot of everything. The other one was from the floor and it was a side view of everyone walking down the runway. 



I interviewed a girl named Mia and a guy named Thomas in grade eight both talking a bit about the pie eating contest and the costume contest and how it went. 

After I assembled my footage into iMovie I added in music, adjusted the lighting, changed the sound and added transitions.

When creating your own video be sure to watch for a good lightning source which I didn’t have,  good sound, maybe sound effects or music added and overall good camera angles. Lots of angles makes the Video interesting and fun to watch.  

I had lots of fun creating this video and have lots that I have learned and can take away from to change and do better on my next video assignment. 


Go go visit my friend Izzy’s awesome blog post about her experience playing pitch car!

The Race of the Century

Bye for now!

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