gr9 MPOL 2019

Welcome to my grade nine MPOL! My driving question for this presentation is “How might I become a more innovative learner and stronger leader?”


Work that best represents my growth as a learner:

Back in September, we worked on one project in particular for a long period of time, known as our Metaphor Machines project.  These machines were made up of a series of chain reactions, that were to represent our revolution of choice.  My group choosing the Haitian Revolution, created a machine of four levels, each level representing the stages of a revolution, and each complicated sequence representing events that took place during the revolution.  Our machine was successful and fully functional witch was definitely a huge accomplishment for our group.  We learned the steps and tasks to plan a complicated machine by drawing plans and blueprints.  As well as learning to delegate tasks and follow through on an idea.  One of the biggest problems we ran into was that the idea we had, naturally, ran into problems along the way.  Our groups tendencies would immediately think to change our idea completely and start new.  However we learned that all plans will eventually run into a problem and we needed overcome the problems that arise and solve them as we follow through to the end. 


Metaphor Machine blueprint


Work I am most proud of this year:

Chemistry Stories was our big exhibition this year.  Focusing on chemistry and how we can show chemical bonding through a story.  In our groups we created and revised a story to represent our chemical bond between two or more elements (which we represented as characters). 

This project went well because our group worked well together and listened to each other’s critique.  Our peer critique was so great because it allowed us to change the things that needed fixing and include everyone’s ideas.  This particular project was great because it gave us the change to learn how to take two ideas and put them together in a way that creates a whole new and improved one.  This is because we had to separate groups in the beginning of the project that got put into one. 



Goals for the rest of the year:

In Maker we are now starting Destination Imagination.  This year I will be able to attend DI Provincials.  My goal is to be able to work with my group creating new, innovative and amazing experiences.  I will work hard to be an equal group member in my group by participating, giving my ideas, taking others ideas and being a leader.  

This year I am striving to be an equal group member as well as a leader.  I want to be able to competently lead a group as well as be a fair and equal member with the rest of my group.  Sharing my own ideas with confidence as well as talking others. 

For the rest of the the year in science and math I will focus on core competencies and habits of mind such as being an innovative learner which means transferring and applying my learning to new situations.  I will do this by taking responsible risks and trying new things that will bring me out of my comfort zone. 

To accomplish this I will apply my skills such as working interdependently, meaning with and from others.  As well as persevering when things get hard and constantly apply my knowledge to new situations. 


Dream Board




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