This years Destination imagination Regionals was another success yet again. We are now preparing to compete at destination imagination provincials in early April. However let me quickly recap on my teams journey so far.
My team members Kiera, Anika, Niklas, Emerson and myself completed our first challenge solution at destination imagination regionals. Watch the video below to get a quick understanding of our teams challenge:
Of course we had lots of time before regionals so our team got started with preparations like planning when to meet, writing our story, who will bring what, and what are our milestone deadlines?
One of the first things we needed to complete before moving forward into creating props was to write our story. This took some time to plan because we had to decided on who would play what, where our story would take place and how we would incorporate our special effect and the monsters appearance.
After creating our storyline, we all got to work on props and costumes. From there we rehearsed lines, built our structure and created the special effect.
Triggering the special effect was by far the greatest challenge. Our team was ready to give up however, we kept on thinking until we got an idea! Even thought our special effects automatic trigger was completely successful the day of, our team never gave up. Working to create a successfully working special effect for provincials is our biggest goal and we are off to a great start.
Bye for now!👋