Worldview in photos

“Logical mind”


This art represents the values aspect of worldview because of how I value logic and, like most people, organization (some people just don’t have enough time or effort to spend on it). And organization, at its core, is just looking for patterns and finding them consistently.

In this picture, the lines become more uniform as they go to the right side of the page, showing how my brain analyzes what it sees to find patterns.


To make this, I used the app SuperimposeX, which is a paid software used for photo editing, art, and much more. For people like me, who don’t currently have a steady hand for drawing, this app can help me make art in a different way. The link to this app is Here.

The way I created the lines was by putting each line on a different layer, adding a swirl effect on each layer, the amount decreasing with each line until I just drew a straight line. Then, I added a darkening gradient across the screen and randomized the thickness of each line. Finally, I merged all the layers except the last two and added a small ripple effect to add a bit more randomness to the non-straight lines


The final product you see above was not the first one however, so here are the other takes:

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