In PLP at the end of every year, all the students create a large presentation of all our learning throughout the year. The theme for my section was about PLP and how we use tech for learning. So, without further ado, here is the post.
At the start of this project, we were put into groups. My groups had Faith, Cale, Ines, Patrick, Max L, Noah, Erik and Ben T. First, we started brainstorming ideas for what our room could look like.
Here is our first plan:
First plan
Then, we finalized our plan for the room.
Then, we took some photos then annotated them to envision our stations.
Then, we got to work on the room. We started creating signs for the stations, decorations, presentations, and more. Then, on the day of the exhibition, we cleared everything out of the room, set up our decorations, and then opened the exhibition to the public.
All the presentations went well, and I actually enjoyed it more than I expected, and then the cleanup was actually pretty quick.
Anyways, that concludes this post, thanks for reading. Bye.
In the latest PLP 9 Project, I created a 6 minute documentary about nuclear power to answer the driving question: “How can I engage and entertain an audience using my video and storytelling skills”. This blog post will cover my journey making the final film.
The first activity in this project was recording an interview. We were put into groups and had to create a short video about a chosen topic, using interviews. In this activity, we learned how to shoot interviews, which would come in handy in the final documentary.
Interview Video
After this exercise I started thinking about what my documentary could be about. Some of my ideas included nuclear power, rubiks cubes, or parkour. In the end, I chose to make it about nuclear power because I thought I could make a clearer message about this topic. I did end up regretting this though, because it is very hard to get b-roll of nuclear reactors.
Then, the next step was to write a screenplay for my film.
As it turns out writing a screenplay for a documentary is quite difficult, but I managed to get it done. I also made a treatment and logline in my documentary planning DOCs.
Now, it was time to create a storyboard. A storyboard is a plan that consists of images for each shot, a short description of each shot, and sometimes some other details. This is what I made:
Then, it was time to start filming. The first thing I did was create the collage of news articles at the start, then I contacted an expert on nuclear power, Robert Anderson, for an interview. I also needed two interviews from people who are less than experts, so I did those aswell.
Then, I edited my film. My film turned out to be longer than it was supposed to be (3-5 minutes), but I felt this was necessary to include all the interesting parts of the interview. The final documentary is below.,
Thanks for reading this post! This project was one of my favourites of the year, and I learned so many new filmmaking skills that I can use to engage and entertain my audience.
In the latest Scimatics project, I learned all about how cells reproduce through Meiosis and Mitosis, the intricacies of both, and how to show them, in order to answer the driving question: “How is the reproduction of cells essential to the survival of organisms?”. So, without further ado, here is the post.
At the start of this project, I created this mind map of what I know and what questions I have beginning the project.
Project Start Mind Map
The second milestone of this project was just completing three Tinkercad tutorials. Tinkercad is a free modeling software that we used to create 3D models of cells. Here are the final versions of my Models:
The fourth milestone was a khan academy quiz on what we learned, then it was time to create the final product, which was a narrated video that describes the process of mitosis and meiosis as well as some similarities and differences between them. Here is my final video:
Sex Cells
And, lastly, for the curricular competencies for this project.
Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest
All class time is used efficiently for learning without distractions
I think that for this project, I could’ve used my time better, because I usually worked on humanities work instead of the important scimatics work.
Planning and conducting: Collaboratively and individually plan, select, and use appropriate investigation methods, including field work and lab experiments, to collect reliable data (qualitative and quantitative)
Microscope slides of plant tissues from clones were prepared and used for photographic evidence of mitosis.
My microscope slides include all the mitosis stages clearly.
Scientific Communication: Formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon
A recorded video with voice narration explains the reasons for and processes of mitosis and meiosis with accurate 3D models and Photographs. Similarities and differences are also described.
My narrated video shows accurate 3D models and the Mitosis slides, as well as clear voiceover that describes advantages and disadvantages of both types of reproduction.
Overall, I think that my final products fro this project were good, but I didn’t use my time to the fullest and some assignments were late because of it.
Hello, Im Theryn Strobl, and I am excited to write to you about a recent maker project, and in my opinion, the best PLP project I have participated in. In this project, I learned lots of filmmaking history and techniques on my journey to learn more about the movies! So, without further ado, here is the post.
We began this project with some brainstorming, a small lecture n some history of filmmaking, and then we were assigned a video about a hobby or skill we have. Being an avid snowboarder, I chose to make my video about that. The video contained some posters, a beginning, middle, end, and music. It was edited in an app called Clips, which I personally think is a very bad software, especially in comparison to its free counterpart, iMovie. But nevertheless, here is my final video:
The next day, we moved onto skill #2: a silent movie. This movie was supposed to recreate an old black and white movie, with no sound (other than a soundtrack) and not to long, making use of a certain poster (it’s the old-timey looking one). I made mine about finding the last lego peice in my contraption, and I think I conveyed the story using the limited storytelling options quite well.
The next product in our moviemaking journey was a tutorial video that teaches how to do something. In the end, most of them were goofy and taught a very basic skill, but they could still do their desired job, so thats a win. In my group were Dana and Brooke. So, for the first step, we got started on our storyboard, which went through many painful revisions until we got it approved.
And then, for the last and most fun skill, we were put into groups of three, and givin around two hours to make a short “special effects sequence”. The goal of this was to use special effects to help tell our story. We had some preparation beforehand to figure out a story and plot, but everything else had to be finished in the allotted time. This was also in a small group, and I was with Fraser and Nolan. So, we set to work designing a quick storyboard, and then got to filming. We filmed many takes, and got quite the blooper reel, but in the end, this was our film:
Then the entire class shared their videos in a mini film festival. An honourable mention of mine is this video:
Overall, this was probably one of my favourite PLP projects ever, and I actually enjoyed learning how to communicate using the medium of film, and creating truly vibrant video.
Thanks for reading my post! Make sure to stay tuned for the next one, I’ll see you later. Bye.
This year, I learned quite a bit, from what an exponent is to how I can make change in a community. In this post I will be showing evidence of my learning this year, and tell the stories of how I learned it.
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
One of my favourite projects this years was called “Game of exponent laws” and in it, I learned about how chance makes game more replayable, what exponent laws are, and how they function. Me and my partner created a board game that uses exponents as a game mechanic to make gameplay interesting.
In this project I learned about exponent laws, how to make a board game, how to write instruction for a game (which is harder than you would think), and how math can make games more fun and replayable.
In this project I struggled with writing concise and clear rules that were easy to follow, especially when the game contained complex math elements. I also found learning some of the math concepts hard.
Another memorable project this year was the “Revolutions on Trail” project in humanities. In this project, I learned about the historical reasons for revolutions, what happened in them, and how effective they were. I also learned the crane brinton theory and how it can be applied to past and future events.
All I have learned from this project is represented in the quality of the final performance, which featured many skills that me and my peers learned.
I struggled writing the affidavit, because finding primary sources is pretty hard. but I also know that other revolutions had it harder because of how obscure knowledge about them can be.
This was probably the most interesting humanities project this year for me, and that is why it is in this post.
And that wraps up my first ever MPol post. Thanks for listening and/or reading it.
On November 3rd this year, it was take our kids to work day. I learned a lot about being in the workforce on this day, but I still have yet to learn why there is an “our” in there. Anyways, without further ado, here is the post.
School was cancelled on this day so that kids could go to their parents, relatives, or other guardian’s/adults job (unless you couldn’t arrange a job to go to, then you would just go to school). As PLP learners, we were required to make a video documenting our day and featuring an interview with an adult at work. Here is my video:
Thanks for reading todays post, it was a short one but I hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next one.
Hello, and welcome to what I think is the last day of the Student Blogging Challenge 2021. Today is a weird day, because I get to write about whatever I want!
Yes, i just embedded a meme. Anyways, without further ado, here is the post.
Since I feel like it, I am going to show some photoshop pictures I made, from wallpapers to neon images. (I am going to be using SuperimposeX, which is a paid software used for many things. I have used this software in a previous post, if you were wondering why it seemed familiar.
Here are two apps I made neon:
WordPress (what I am using now)MessagesBasecampAnd Showbie
Now, you might be thinking: “but what wallpaper am I going to use?” (You probably aren’t though.) Anyways, Here is a quick wallpaper I made:
My friend has made a full Home Screen in this neon theme, (link to his blog here), I am going to show some things you could do with superimpose.
Here is a cool smoke effect I made using the distort and lights tools:
Red and white smoke
Here are the wallpapers I currently use:
Here is some clipart of a bottle (I don’t know why)
Science bottle!
And here are glowing shapes!
Glowing square things
I also did a photoshop challenge with my friends, and we had some pretty cool results!
My 2-minute photoshop challenge entry!Moon photoshop!Angel Graphic
Thanks for reading this weird post! I will make more photoshops, so stay tuned! See you next post.
Yep, you heard me right. Today, on (maybe) the last day of the Student Blogging Challenge 2021, we are talking, making and photographing about the holidays. So, without further ado, here is the post.
Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday, and across the globe, it is celebrated on many different ways. One way that my family celebrates is by looking at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve. We walk, bike, or drive around to see all the ridiculously decorated homes everywhere.
A very decorated house.
this picture is from one of the most decorated streets I know of, Trinity st. Over Christmas break, most of the houses put up ridiculously large amounts of lights to support a charity.
Hello, and welcome to another post. This post is a little different, because it is showing a journey of my growth mindset through PLP. So, without further ado, here is the post.
When I started this quarter, my class did two challenges: the student blogging challenge and the growth mindset challenge. I have talked extensively about the student blogging challenge in other posts, but today I am doing the last post I will do until the end of spring break
Here is a journal I have been constructing throughout the quarter that reflects the evolution of my growth mindset.
Also, we have been working on a long term goal for the next quarter, and it is meant to inspire us to be better next term. Mine was: I will get better at my group communication by pausing before I speak or write and thinking what my group needs to hear and how to best express it.
Hello, and welcome to the summative post for the how it started/ how it is going project. The driving question for this project was: what can we learn from the past, and why does it matter to us today? To answer this question, we journeyed back through some of the most influential times history, travelled (virtually) to great museums, and finally, made a virtual museum all about worldview and historical events.
The project started with a mind map about museums and their specific features
Then we did milestone 1, which was a small museum exhibit representing your growth since the start of the year. I learned how to use many cool photo editing techniques like perspective shifting, light wraps, and more to do this. Our job in this milestone was to transform the idea of how it started/how it is going into a museum exhibit and provide evidence on my opinion. I believe I did this quite well, but if I did it again I would probably add a before/after comparison of my work as evidence. Click here for the PDF.
The second milestone was a collage of the important events in your life that shaped your worldview. To do this, we created a timeline of the important events in our lives, found or made pictures to represent those events, and created a collage of the images. This collage would later be revised and changed, and eventually become our “about me” at the start of the museum.
Then, we started milestone three: the history test. This was just one extremely hard question that made me (and some others) realize how little we knew (yet). This milestone made me realize the historical significance of the events I talked about, and decide which ones were the most significant.
We also did many, many other things to prepare for the museum launch, like an artist statement, script for the guided tour, the whole virtual museum, the final meme, a recorded artist statement, and a script for the zoom presentation. After all of that, we finally were ready to present the virtual museum to the world. In this virtual museum, we created modern artworks to represent our modern views of the themes in the older artwork, to show how much we have changed since then.
And with that, the driving question is answered: we can learn a lot front the past, and it matters today so we can learn and improve humanity by looking to the past.
Thank you for reading all the way down here! Of you want to see some of my group members veiw on the project (see what I did there?), click on one of the links below