Don’t Eat Rat Feces!

Today, I am writing a summative post about my latest, and last project of the year. This project is called Comic Cells. I learned a ton from this project, from what subsequent endocytosis is to why you shouldn’t eat rat poo. So, without further ado, here is the post.

As with all scimatics projects, we started off the project with a mind map of existing knowledge, question, sources, and anything else about the topic. Here is mine:

Project Start Mind Map

For the second milestone of the project, I created a wanted poster for a disease containing the date of discovery, how it affects cells, it’s mortality rate, and more.

Typhoid Wanted Poster

Then I started working on a storyboard to guide the making of my comic. The storyboard was a very rough guide to the comic, and some parts were not even in the final comic.

Rough Storyboard

Then I started to research a TON of facts about the virus I chose. (Hantavirus) To read more about hantavirus, veiw the sources down below. I learned a ton about cellular processes, and then started drawing pictures for my comic. I am not the best at drawing, so this was a hard task for me. However, I a very proud of the final comic, which is the namesake for this post.

And, as with all projects, there were core competencies I worked towards throughout the project. They are:

1. Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.

All class time is used for learning and creating a comic book story about cellular processes and/or diseases. I think I used almost all of my class time efficiently, but even so I still think I could’ve worked slightly faster in class and had less homework after school. But it worked out in the end, which is good.

2. Scientific communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies

Correct vocabulary and accurate diagrams are used. At least 10 interesting science vocabulary words are included in the story. I used more than ten science words in my Story, and I think my diagrams are concise and accurate at what they represent.

Evaluating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence

Cell/bacteria/virus characters interact in a scientific way. Symptoms and logical outcomes of the chosen disease/cellular/ body process are integrated into the story. In my story, the reaction to the virus is realistic to real-life cases, and the outcomes are on the probable side.


Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

Source 5

Source 6

Source 7

Thanks for making it this far. If you liked this post, make sure to check my other ones here. See you in the next post! Bye.


As you can probably tell from the title, this project was one about atoms (and molecules, Kenetic energy, etc…). We spent about three weeks learning, coding and thinking to answer the driving question for this project: how can the behaviour of matter be explained by the Kinetic Molecular theory and the Atomic theory? So, without further ado, here is the post.

We started this project with a mind map and an experiment/magic trick. We wrote the mind map about what we already knew about matter, and then all of our questions about it.

Project start mind map

For the demonstration of atomic and molecular theory, the teacher performed a trick using a sealed bottle filled with water and an eyedropper.

The trick works by utilizing pressure. When the bottle is not squeezed, it looks like this:

Eyedropper at the top

But when the bottle is squeezed, the pressure increases, forcing the eyedropper down, and if you are subtle, it looks as if you magically made the eyedropper go down.

Squeezed bottle with the eyedropper down

One really cool activity was called the gemstone identification challenge. The whole class partnered up to measure the volume, weight, and then calculate the density of a few stones. The class average density was 3.74 grams per millemeter, and the closest density to that was that of colourless topaz, so we confirmed that the stones were colourless topaz.

Gemstone ID sheet

For milestone 2, we created accurate models for our coded project. In order to make our simulations or games follow this competency: Several different atoms/molecules, different states of matter, and particle motion are represented in the finished product. A historical model of the atom is chosen and implemented, we created some sort of model and text.

In order to create realistic and functioning models of atoms, molecules, and in my case quarks, I worked on three slides of information and graphics. It took three other versions to create to the one shown below.

The next week was mostly spent learning more about matter and coding or refining our scratch projects. Then we did milestone four, which was a coding plan for the rest of the project. This was my milestone four coding plan:

Press space to show Bohr models
Press M to mute music
Press N to unmute music
Press Q to create more clones
Press 1-3 to change molecule type
Gravity that can be turned on and off
Click the reset button to reset the simulation
Use the temperature slider to change how fast the particles move.
Setting the temperature to zero will stop the particles from moving, other than gravity acting on them.
You can create different states of matter by adjusting the temperature and gravity.
you can adjust how much gravity there is.
You can move between subatomic particle models, Bohr models, and no models by pressing space bar twice This kinetic molecular theory is included in the simulation when the particles move. They follow the Kinetic molecular theory.

After creating a plan, I continued coding my scratch project until it was completely done and polished. If you want to check out my simulator, click here. After all was said and done, I created a summative mind map of the project, which helped round of the end of the project.

As with all projects, there were curricular competencies which you can see below:

Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.

All class time is used efficiently for learning without distractions. I used all my class time efficiently, and I am very proud of my final product.

Scientific Communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies.

Several different atoms/ molecules, different states of matter, and particle motion are represented in the finished product. A historical model of the atom is chosen and implemented. I have three different molecule designs: H2O (water), carbon dioxide (CO2), and ozone (O3). I also have three Bohr models of the elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, And finally two subatomic models of protons and neutrons.

Reasoning and Analyzing: Use logic and patterns (including coding) to solve puzzles and play games.

An interactive Scratch coded matter simulator or game is created with logical conditions and functional user controls. I created a simulator with four variables that the player/user can change, and extra aesthetic changes as well. The user can change limits all the variables, and the layout is logical and easy to use.

Thanks for reading my post! I had a great time doing this project, and i am sure to do more, so stay tuned .Even though I have featured it already, just in case, here is the link to my scratch matter simulator. Thanks to my friend Noah for all the coding help and feedback. If you want to check out his blog, click here. See you in the next post!

Laser laws final post

Hello, and welcome to anotherblog post. In this post I am going to show all I have learned throughout the laser laws project. First, I’ll start with the driving question: how can I test Pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection. There are many ways to test this, but first we had to build our knowledge on the subject by completing worksheets and doing cool science experiments. For example, at the start of the project we played laser tag, were there are two teams and they both try to shoot the other team’s target with their laser, while protecting their own. There was not to much to be learned from this activity, but it was a fun intro to the law of reflection. After that we did a project start mind map:

Project start mind map

And along the way, I added to the question section, and also answered them all in another mind map at the end of the project:

While mind maps are all fun and good, though, we still haven’t actually tested the law of reflection or Pythagorean theorem. We did a small workbook to get up to speed, and then did a really cool experiment about the wave model of light. Here is the experiment:

in the waves lab, I learned a lot about the nature of light, and how there are multiple models that can be used to define it. We were then split into groups, then did an experiment on Pythagorean theorem. In My groups’s experiment, we tested to see if you can use Pythagorean theorem to get the values of the two legs with only the hypotenuse. The answer was no, but if you know that the legs are the same you can do it.

This is the expirement

In my second milestone, we did a khan academy test to check our understanding. Our third milestone was yet another experiment, this time testing if the law of reflection can be used to make shapes.

After this, we started on milestone four, the design for our laser triangle. This design may or may not be used as the final design, but it is a crucial step nonetheless. There were three revisions of this, but here is the final one:

Final experiment

Then, it was time for the final design. The groups started to set up the mirrors, prepare the laser circuits, and do all-around finishing touches.

Then all the groups set up their projects near the smoke machine, then we all got really cool views of our work coming together.

This is the final laser display!

I overall learned a ton from this project, from how to measure est sides of a triangle to the different models of light

And, finally, the curricular competencies:

The first of three, questioning and predicting, is about ‘‘Demonstrating a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest’’ I think that I did this quite well, as I was on task and very interested in the class.

In the second, Questioning and predicting, you must ‘‘Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest’’, and I did well in this, because i had so many questions about the law of reflection and Pythagorean theorem. Luckily, google search, textbooks, and class resources exist.

The last but not least competency is applying and innovating: cooperatively design projects. I believe I did this well because our group got along well and our final product checked all boxes

And, the answer to the driving question: out of the many ways you could test the law of reflection, by far the simplest is to just grab a mirror and shine a laser on it in a dark room, and take a picture and measure the angles in it. To test the Pythagorean theorem, you could draw right triangles with random side lengths, then use Pythagorean theorem to solve for the missing edge. Then, check your answer using a ruler or, the measure app.

Tectonic Chances Summative post

Hello, and welcome to anotherblog post! In this project, the driving question was: how are thematic and mathematical elements used in board games?

The answer to this is: they can add a touch of realism, role playing, or just a cool element to your game. Thematic and mathematical elements can and are used in board games all the time, for example: chess; which uses medieval figures to add a slight bit of logic and realism to the game, which helps connect players to the game a bit more. In other versions of chess, they use other themes to make the game more applicable to different audiences. Or in games like pandemic: contagion, where tons of different chances are balanced to create a fun and diverse game.

Anyway, to get this answer, we had to do many activities, like learning about tectonic plates in order to make a game about them, doing a mind map, listing the scientific elements they will be in our game, and finally making actual game rules and a playable game and presenting them to other groups in the best way: playing them!

The first thing we did was make some rough game rules (which, in my group, weren’t used later on) on whiteboards.

This was the original mind map, but my game was changed a lot later

And, as with each project, there were curricular competencies that everyone strived for.

The first: evaluating; demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence. in the criteria for this competency, it states that there should be evidence of 10 key science concepts in your game, and game pieces should visually represent tectonic concepts. I think I this because my game had 10 science concepts: convection currents, mid-ocean ridges, volcanoes, earthquakes, ridge push, subduction, reverse faults, normal faults, and strike-slip faults. Speaking of which, click here for said game rules.

Onto the second competency, questioning and predicting. I think I used most of my class time efficiently and well, because I finished all work on time and did most of it in class. I also handed in first drafts of my work early for feedback.

The third competency, understanding and solving, is all about demonstrating understanding of mathematical concepts through play, inquiry, and problem solving. I think I did this because my game has lots of probability that is calculated at the end of the rules. At the end of my rules, there are multiple probabilities calculated correctly, and there are examples of turn outcomes stated.