in the latest Scimatics project we created Rube Goldberg machines to represent the scientific method. The scientific method consists of 6 steps: observation, question, hypothesis, analysis, conclusion. So, without further ado, here is the post.
I wasn’t here for the first couple days of this project, but as always, we started off with a mind map of what we knew already and questions we had. The next step was to perform some experiments on electricity.
After this we did some workbooks and a khan academy quiz that helped me understand how electricity works in a circuit. Then, we created individual diagrams of what our Rube Goldberg machine could look like. Here is mine:
Then, my group of Colton, Cale, and Max got to work on our final blueprint, which is a scale drawing of our machine, a digital drawing, and circuit diagrams and calculations. We also built our machine. Here is the final video:
And the final circuit and machine diagrams:
And for the revised mind map containing all my new knowledge:
Now, for the curricular competencies:
Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest
All class time is used efficiently for learning without distractions
I think that I used all my class time very well this project, seeing as I was away for most of it and still learned so much and got everything done
Reasoning and Analyzing: Estimate reasonably
Final blueprint is complete and accurate. Contains grid scale. All measurements are labeled with a high degree of accuracy. All lines are easily distinguished
My team’s final blueprint does contain a grid scale, measurements, and is very accurate
Planning and conducting: Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to systematically and accurately collect and record data
Hand built series and parallel circuits are used to good effect with efficiency in your metaphor machine. Accurate circuit diagrams are included in the final blueprint. Diagrams use proper symbols. Diagrams are neat and easy to understand. Measurements of current, voltage and resistance are included
There is one series circuit in our machine, the one that lights up the question mark, and all the circuits combine make one large parallel circuit. Their are accurate diagrams of alt eh electronics in our machine in the final blueprint, accompanied by voltage, current, and resistance measurements
Scientific Communication: Formulate physical or mental models to describe a phenomenon
A video is recorded of the complete operation of the machine and voice overs are added which explain the sequence of the scientific method as the machine progresses.
I think that our final video is emerging, because the voiceovers do not sync up, and they do not explain what is happening very well. Also, the video only utilizes one of four videos of the machine working, it much less immersive.
Thanks for reading my post! Once again, thanks to my group for helping me in this project! This project was probably my favourite Scimatics project this year, so I hope to see more like it in the future. See you in the next one.