Tectonic Chances Summative post

Hello, and welcome to anotherblog post! In this project, the driving question was: how are thematic and mathematical elements used in board games?

The answer to this is: they can add a touch of realism, role playing, or just a cool element to your game. Thematic and mathematical elements can and are used in board games all the time, for example: chess; which uses medieval figures to add a slight bit of logic and realism to the game, which helps connect players to the game a bit more. In other versions of chess, they use other themes to make the game more applicable to different audiences. Or in games like pandemic: contagion, where tons of different chances are balanced to create a fun and diverse game.

Anyway, to get this answer, we had to do many activities, like learning about tectonic plates in order to make a game about them, doing a mind map, listing the scientific elements they will be in our game, and finally making actual game rules and a playable game and presenting them to other groups in the best way: playing them!

The first thing we did was make some rough game rules (which, in my group, weren’t used later on) on whiteboards.

This was the original mind map, but my game was changed a lot later

And, as with each project, there were curricular competencies that everyone strived for.

The first: evaluating; demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence. in the criteria for this competency, it states that there should be evidence of 10 key science concepts in your game, and game pieces should visually represent tectonic concepts. I think I this because my game had 10 science concepts: convection currents, mid-ocean ridges, volcanoes, earthquakes, ridge push, subduction, reverse faults, normal faults, and strike-slip faults. Speaking of which, click here for said game rules.

Onto the second competency, questioning and predicting. I think I used most of my class time efficiently and well, because I finished all work on time and did most of it in class. I also handed in first drafts of my work early for feedback.

The third competency, understanding and solving, is all about demonstrating understanding of mathematical concepts through play, inquiry, and problem solving. I think I did this because my game has lots of probability that is calculated at the end of the rules. At the end of my rules, there are multiple probabilities calculated correctly, and there are examples of turn outcomes stated.

FINAL learning post

In the project “the medium is the message”, 8the driving question was: how does what we see, hear, and read influence us. The answer to this question is that it influences us by delivering a message to us, the audience, through any medium, wether its social media, a blog, or even a paper. 

I learned this through a progression through many projects, which aren’t mentioned here. The first one , though, I will talk about.


This is a link to the first thing I did this project, in which we were tasked with analyzing a commercial by Apple, called Welcome Home. this milestone practiced comprehending texts. Over time, we did many activities that were very similar to this. One was about a book called The Gospel According To Larry. This is a book about the influence of media and message on an audience (sound familiar?). We did sheets about the book everybody week for a while until we finished the book. All of the activities we did focused on an individual competency, like taking historical perspective, practiced by milestones 2 and 3, or designing texts, innovative designer, and creative communicator. Finally, we finished our advertisements for a business, and gave them to the business.

Throughout this project, each piece of progress was defined by the competency it assessed. These were rated by weather, a ☁️ being the worst, and a 🌈 being the best. In all of the projects, except one, I got a ☀️, the symbol below the rainbow. I think that I now know how what I see, hear. And read influences me and others