Game of Exponent Laws

Hi, welcome back to my blog. Today will be my first Scimatics based blog post ever and the first one of grade nine. In Scimatics we were given the first project of the year, the game of exponent laws. In this project just focused on the math part of Scimatics. We were assigned to make a game using four of the exponent laws. We had to Design a card game based on exponent laws and mathematical operations. That was pretty much our driving question. Now I will talk about the progress leading up to our presentation.

For our first milestone in this project we had to make a game just from dice. We first had to make a game with only 1 die. We had to write the rules on a whiteboard and then play the game. Step two was to make a game with two die. This game had to include addition and subtraction in the rules. We had to write the rules and then play the game. Then step three of this was to make a game with again with two die but we also got to use two paper bits to make your game. Here is a picture of our game rules for part three.

We then did milestone two which was a khan academy quiz. This was to help demonstrate mental math strategies and to help us understand the exponent laws better.

The next milestone was a school test. This test did not count to to much of our grade but we still did it to help us understand the exponent laws and mental math strategies used to solve equations.

Me and Anders got partnered  together for this project, and we settled upon a game of life type game with exponent laws squished into to challenge cards and into moving. In between the tests and quizzes we did lots of work on our project and it was time for the first thing of feedback. We were told to fix he scoring and tweak the rules a bit. After we got some more class time to work on the game we got our second bit of feedback, this time it was from our peers. We got our feedback from Noah and grace. They told us some great things. First they said to make the rules a little more understandable. Second they told us to make the game board more detailed which we did later on. Finally they told us it would be a good idea to make more cards and more fake money for the game. After that feedback we then got to fix our game and add to it until it came time to present it.


We were told that we would be presenting it to another grade nine class. So when we come into school we set up right away and got our fames ready for some other people to try out. Me and Anders set up our game and we got two people, Alex, and sam to play our game. It went well and they understood most of the rules, which is good. They played almost a full round because it got cut short by the time limit. They said they understood it and they had fun. After this presentation to this class we near have finished this project. The final thing for this project was this blog post. Thanks for reading.

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