Hello again back with another student blogging challenge. Today’s is the day, the final student blogging challenge blog post. This will be the final post we are going to do for this year. This weeks post is about reflection. We are supposed to reflect on the journey we have taken this year and all the great work we have accomplished. There are three tasks and we have to complete at least two of them. I chose to take the student blogging challenge survey and task three which is how will you keep blogging. now lets get into these weekly challenges.
For the task I am going to do is how am I going to keep blogging. Well since I am in PLP I will always be blogging as long as I’m in the program. I will be constantly posting and keeping my blog up to date. If I stay in PLP I will do the student blogging challenge next year as well. I will also may keep going after PLP and keep blogging and keeping my blog up to date. The one thing that may change is I will go from a work based blog to an experience based blog. That is how I personally keep blogging. I completed the survey and this is it, the end of the student blogging challenge. This has been a short but fun journey for the start of the year. Thank you to all who have read my blog throughout this challenge and I will see you later. Bye now!!!