Much Blog Such Wow

Tom "the blogger" Sushams


June 2017

Tpols, SLC in disguise!

  SLC!!!!! Hah did I scare you, no? TPOL!!!! There I definitely scared you then. I am back at it again, now if we take a trip down memory lane we can see my first SLC/TPOL was about my reflection… Continue Reading →

What Happens in PLP, Stays in PLP

“To master the nature of fear, one must become fear before accepting it” -Tom Gandhi Dalai Lama Sushams. If I have learnt one thing during this unit, it is I am good at making nothing into nothing. Ok, now back… Continue Reading →

My deepest fear, Apart from Ms Willemse (Joke)

You know how everyone has that one specific fear that shut them down on physical and mental aspect? Well that one fear for me is public speaking, but hey I’m a PLP student I conquer the unconquerable. Big crowds, not… Continue Reading →

Tom Sushams, The God of Concepts

Oh hey! Didn’t see you there. Its been awhile hasn’t it? Well I’m back at it with another blog post from the fantastic class of PLP! My assignment over the past month or so has been all about concepts. First… Continue Reading →

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