SLC!!!!! Hah did I scare you, no? TPOL!!!! There I definitely scared you then. I am back at it again, now if we take a trip down memory lane we can see my first SLC/TPOL was about my reflection of the work I completed throughout the year. This time it is about whether I feel ready to advance to the next grade. Well this is quite the rather complicated concept, and to answer this question I am going to have to think for a long period of time. Ok, I thought, and here is my answer. But first I am going to explain how I answered this question by breaking down it down and tackling the individual aspect. I will be looking at my favourite blog post, What I learnt about myself during this year and finally one thing I would like to improve on.

Favourite blog post:

My favourite blog post during this term has to be the Southwest Reflection post.

Mainly because of the amount of effort that went into this post was definitely far more significant to any previous post. You can see throughout the post I added a vast amount of visuals, which compliments and enhances the written component. I also am proud of the post because traveling back to my first ever post, the first criticism I got from Ms Willemse was I need to have more of my own voice and make the post more personal. It has taken me this long to finally figure out what she meant and I feel like I clearly demonstrated that in the southwest post, thus proving my growth as a learner

Most valuable skill I’ve learned:

Grade 11 has been a year of learning, not just about school, but also myself. Throughout this year I have learnt so much about myself, what type of learner I am, and how I keep myself entertained when doing school work. To start off, I am 110% a visual learner, if I am going to be doing any learning, it has to through visuals and examples otherwise I will not fully understand the concept of what I am learning.

Even though my southwest blog post was a reflection post, all the visuals I added, helped further my understanding as I was intrigued with the concept. Now keeping myself entertained when doing school work is a tough one because I get very easily distracted. But I have learnt that making whatever I am learning have some sort of fun aspect to it keeps me interested, for example all the visuals in my last post tied me down and I did not get distracted once. During other classes such as physics I would draw a real life example which would keep me entertained as it is visual and is fun for me. To summarize what skills I learnt, pretty much turn everything I am learning into some sort of visual.


Now I know this is going to be very cliché and you’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but I definitely need to improve handing assignment in on time. I have definitely had a conversation with Ms Willemse about handing work in onto. I can tell you that this class is not the only one I hand assignment in late, in fact all my classes I struggle to hand things in on time. The main reason for this regular reoccurrence is because of YouTube, just kidding, well kind of. The key factor is that I am very easily distracted which ties in with YouTube.

So my main goal is to stay focus and on top of my class work by having a reward system. This is how my system works, every assignment I do on time I get to watch a video. Now I have been doing this for the past week or so and there is definitely improvements for my tardiness of work. For next year if I keep up the reward system I can see great potential.

Am I ready for grade 12?

Now to tie in all those factors and answer the big question, “Am I ready for grade 12?” If I’m going to be brutally honest, I do not think I am ready, but I will never be ready for anything because how can you prepare for the unknowing. All I can do is prepare for the same experience but understand fully that there are greater consequences involved now and braise myself for a rough time. But hey, that’s life, and as Mr Hughes always says

so with this in mind I will never expect anything to come to me easy and I will have to work hard for the things I want in life. That is the most prepared I will ever be with the knowledge of the world I have at this point in time.