Thirteen years of education has boiled down to this one specific blog post, let’s hope I nail it first try! It all started off with the new implemented marking system, after many disputes and stubborn students our teachers decided to revamp the marking system. A concise 90 minute class was spent explaining the new assignments we had been assigned, and this perfectly segues into.
This new assignment had only a verbal outline, and like typical students we were too busy disagreeing with the teachers to bother and write down the outline. What I understood was we (students) were given a topic or chosen, depending how lucky you were, and would have to come up with a few or more discussion questions that would lead into a deep thinking liaison with the class. Now instead of saying whom ever has a name that starts with a letter T and was born in England and moved 11 years ago can pick when they want to go. My teachers decided, why not make into a game show and put everybody’s name on a spin wheel and let fate decide.
And guess what, I got picked last, well second last but does that really matter. As I thought to myself “Thanks a lot, now I have to present first”, going first had to be the best thing that could of happened. And what was even more lucky was that I got to pick the topic, the Cuban Revolution, AND even more luckier was that the class just spent 2 weeks in Cuba learning exactly what my topic was, Bargain! So the day before I presented I asked for an outline of the assignment, after a few reminders I got it around 4 o’clock, with some incentives, a lot of slack and no visuals required. Before starting the assignment I thought to myself “what was the point of this assignment?” (In a non-Condescending way). And the conclusion came to, was the class paying attention and do they understand the topic, give or take a few deep thinking questions. So visiting Cuba myself I already knew a fair amount on the Revolution. I went over my notes and watched a few concentrated YouTube Videos and I was ready to put my money were my mouth is, and create the in-depth questions to spark a great facilitation.
After given the a-okay from Ms. Willemse, I was ready to facilitate.
As the clock slowly counted down to the time I had to present I got more and more nervous, I have a bad habit of over thinking things and it feels like paralysis. But I had a plan, I would give the brief overview of my topic,
then I would state my questions and then release my select weapon…
I would disagree with most answers, respectfully. I knew this would work because everyone in PLP is strongly opinionated and there would be a long lasting debate. My plan worked a little too well because I only managed to squeak through a few of my questions, but a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. And here I am now, reflecting.
Overall I think my facilitation went quite smoothly and many good things were discussed during the presentation. I did build up a lot of anxiety in my head for no reason, and honestly didn’t mind it, also because the tides were in my favour, but I like to look past that and give myself a pat on the back. I think Facilitation Friday is a good idea, but gets a bit misty when in action. As many of our peers like to agree with each other and tie off each others points, not pointing any fingers Nolan Carry.
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