What was appealing about LSD?

The 60’s aka the era of sex, drugs and rock and roll, a time of community and love, if you lived in San Francisco. Arguably the best decade of the century, if you par took in the experience. But what was so appealing, was the few years of tranquillity worth the toll that would be placed on your body. My answer, a firm no, and here is why.

(an artist took LSD and drew sketches through different periods of his trip)

A sudden rise in body temperature, heart pounding and pupils dilating, widening the peripheral vision and a sense of outer embodiment. Then the surrounding start to melt away and reality is no longer, experiences that can only be understood from the experienced, all that is describable does not belong in the known universe. What is stopping the general population from this transcendent euphoria? A new legal drug known as LSD or Acid has hit the market allowing the inexperienced to feel what has been denied from them, freedom. The 90 minute Hallucinogenic Trip of a life time was becoming a social drug during the 60’s. Was all this commotion worth the mental and physical risks the population of users would experience. Without denial the euphoric trip catches attention but what holds them back is the consequences involved. The short term effects was enough to deter most participants. Dry mouth followed by loss of appetite lead by sleepless paranoid nights full of tremors. But this was all apart of the “experience”, but the addictiveness had only just grasped its users. After frequent doses long term effects played nasty despicable tolls. “Bad trips” or flashbacks occurred leaving the clientele with panic attacks. Not to mention the psychosis and schizophrenia that accompanied those who abused the drug. Long lasting effects could be achieved by the less unfortunate through only a few doses. Does the exhilarating experience seem appealing? In my own opinion, I would have to disagree. Not only does it effect your brain and can leave you in a polar opposite mindset, it physically damages your body, leaving long lasting consequences that can not be worth a 90 minute “mind expansion tool”.


Here is the links I used, they explain the side effects of LSD and what it does to your mind and body.




How Common Is LSD Overdose?