Science blogpost part two

Welcome back to my awesome science post part two where I will tell you more about the microscopes we have been using in class. Last time I talked about what I saw under the slides our teacher provided for us, this time we got to make our own. Our teacher gave us the slides and the cover pieces and told us to swab the inside of our mouth. We then put water on the slides and dabbed the Q-tip in the water. At first I couldn’t see anything and I told the teacher. I felt really dumb. I hadn’t put the special chemical on the slide that allowed me to see the particles on our mouth. So I did that not expecting to see much under the microscope and boy was I wrong.




To view this I had to put the 40X zoom on the microscope. The little clumps you see are the tiny bits of saliva and left over food. Some of these are also bacteria living in your mouth, I know it’s completely gross but the truth is that there are trillions of different bacteria living in you mouth right now. That is it for my science blog post and I hope you enjoyed reading this, I will be posting some more blog stuff soon so I’ll see you then.

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