Concussion Blogpost Part 2

This is a part two for the previous blog post I did, so before you read this go and read my other one about concussions. In this one I will be talking about how to stay entertained during a concussion, whether it’s a small one that lasted for a month or a long one like I had for 5 months or more. So without wasting anymore3 time lets get into it. For the first week or two of your concussion there is absolutely nothing you can do except lie down in a dark room all day. This is what you have to get better. But after these one or two weeks then you can start to do things really slow. The first thing I did was watch my family do things around the house or just listen to what they were saying. Okay this may seem extremely boring, but when you haven’t done anything in two weeks it is surprisingly nice to to do all day. At the same time your doing this if it is not to much for your heads you can start to listen to very low level and boring music. But if this is too much for you stop and go sit in a dark room again until you feel better. This is probably the maximum you can do for a couple weeks.

If after a couple of weeks you can do these without making your head worse you can move on to more difficult things. One of these could be moving on from listening to soft music to listening to pop or even TV shows or movies, But always at a low volume so you don’t hurt your head. At this time in your concussion you can start to go outside a bit and do some very light walking for 10 minutes at a time, but as usual if it makes your head worse stop and sit down to cool off. Also a recommendation I have if your are going outside is always wear sunglasses or a baseball cap if you have them. This will help shield you from the sun and it will help block out noise as well so there is low stimulation going on in your head.

This is probably what you will do for another couple weeks until you are comfortable with doing these things. Throughout these couple weeks you can gradually increase the amount of time you go walking. After you’ve done these little things you could probably start to look at screens a little bit if you want, but if you don’t feel like it yet you can always do a light bit of reading, for both of these things you should probably only do them for a maximum of 15 minutes at a time. Oh and I forgot to mention earlier, you should be sleeping a lot throughout the day and when you wake up do these things. Okay let’s get back to the topic now. Once you look at screens you should be able to do some stuff round the house, start with little things like sweeping or dusting and maybe even do a little bit of things in the kitchen like making a small breakfast.

Once you reach this stage of your concussion the doctor you are seeing should give you seem excesses to do to start to get you back to normal, depending on how long your concussion is you could be doing these exercises for two weeks or two months even longer than that some times. I won’t go into detail with these exercises the doctor because they may not be the same as the ones I did. But I can tell you once you start doing these they will take up most of your time, but when you’re not doing them still try some of the stuff I mentioned earlier. Throughout all this time they and do as much of these things as you can without making your head worse. I hope this helped you a lot or even a little bit with your concussion, and even if you don’t have one I hope you learned a bit from reading this.

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