Comparing prompts

Welcome to another wring prompt post. In this one I will be comparing two of these prompts that we have been doing. The first one is one of the first prompts we did this school year. The second one is much more recent. I’m going to show these one after the other to basically compete how good one is compared to the other. See if you notice a difference between the two.


Earlier one

Once upon a time there was a dude named bob and he was a little kid. All bob wanted to do when he grew up was create an awesome robotic octopus thing. He didn’t know why he wanted to do that, it’s just what he always wanted. He’d seen things like this on tv but they didn’t actually exist and he wanted to be the first to make it. He didn’t have the money right then to get the parts so he waited 10 years until he had a job and pay for the parts. But surprise, he won the lottery so he would never have to have a job. So when he was 20 he got all the parts he needed and started building this octopus thingy. His friends and family tried to help him but he wanted all the glory so he said to them “go away Pokemon addicts I’m doing this”. So it took him anther 10 years to make the thing and he made it into a street legal car. He looked like a total beast riding downtown the street with it and everyone wanted one. But they couldn’t have one because it was his idea and that is the end of the story. Bob lived happily ever after and spent 500,000,000$ on the serum to endless life. After that he lived happily ever after until a asteroid crashed into earth and killed everyone.


Later one

If I were a dog for a day it would be filled with excitement and energy. The first thing I would do in the morning would be going out for a really long walk. I would go up quarry rock with my owner, off leash of course, I would smell everything there was to smell and run round in circles trying to trip everyone else. At the top I would pose for a photo with my owner for the incredible view. We would then have a race to the bottom of the trail, which I won of course. We would then make our way back home where I would have a super big breakfast with meat and gravy and kibble. I would go and sit by my owner while he ate his breakfast and read the newspaper which I had got him from the front porch. My tail would start wagging every time he said something to me because the tone in his voice meant that he was happy with me. After breakfast I would go to sleep in his bed for the rest of the morning. I would move all over the place trying different places to sleep and which ones would be comfiest. We would have gone out for a walk through the forest but today I got to choose and I chose the dog park. This is where all the dogs in the cove go to have fun. There were a few dogs there to play with and my owner let off leash and I wrestled and ran with them for ages. I loved the feel of the wind in my fur, the smell of mud and dogs, the blurr of different objects as I zoom by, the sound of other dogs barking and the taste of dust in my mouth. My owner would then call me back and it was time to head home and have a massive dinner. We would watch the TV together and then I would go and fall asleep on his bed as we became very tired.

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