Welcome to my SLC Blogpost. In this post I will be choosing some examples of my work and some goals I have set for myself for the remainder of the school year and maybe even longer. The work I will be showing is work that I am proud of, work that shows I have a growth mindset and work that shows growth in my learning. So Let’s get right into it.
One of the first things that we started in grade with our new teacher was these things called writing prompts. With this he would give us an image or a small video of some random thing and we would have to write as much as we could about that video/image. It could be anything we wanted it to be about and we were encouraged to write about anything that came to mind. I’m choosing these prompts for my SLC as work that shows growth. If you compare one of the first ones we did in the year to one of the latest ones I did I think there is a pretty noticeable improvement in them. These are probably one of my favourite things that we do in class and they help improve our writing skills and our creativity.
For our major project for term 2 we did a world wide competition called DI. This is where hundreds of schools around the world sign up for a competition where there are several different challenges to choose from. My group was the scientific challenge and ours was probably one of the most fun ones. Our group worked really hard on this project and in the end we all thought we did pretty well. Do for this project I’m choosing it as the work I am proud of. We spent a lot time on this project and at times I’m wasn’t sure if we would even finish it but in the end I was really happy with how it turned out.
At the end of first term it was time to start another Blue Sky project. This time the whole thing was based on Harry Potter. My project was all based on how de the decisions he did in the movies and the books. I researched people in the real world and decisions they made and compared them to ones Harry made. With this project I came across quite a few problems like not finding choices people made and finding regular choices that Harry made. In the end I managed to find different sources like blogs and old news headlines and I think it worked out really well.
We set a goal in the beginning of term and I think I’m doing a better job than I thought I would be by now. Anyways, we had to set three new goals for the rest of the school year. My first one is to start reading more again. I used to read a book nearly every week and now I’ve kind of stopped that. What I plan on doing to accomplish this is to keep picking up more books and maybe set alarms or reminders so I can remember. My second goal is to not keep so quiet in class, a lot of the I just sit there and try to get along with the work. Sometimes I misunderstand things or don’t get it right, asking more questions would definitely help me and getting my work done. To help me achieve this I’m going to set alarms for time time in each class to help me remember them. My final goal is to start revising my work more, I have down this a little bit over the year but not enough. To achieve this I’m going to stick to my work more and when something comes up up on showbie I’m going to get right on it and revise it.
Now I would like to thank you for reading some things about my work. If you click on the highlighted words it will take you to a different post showcasing my work. All of these projects I enjoyed doing and I can’t wait to continue the year.