The final post of grade 9

We have somehow crammed two months social studies into the last 4 weeks of school. In this unit we learned all about the great history of Canada. We learned about the First colonies of Canada, the First Nations, the wars between nations, the gold rush and the all important pacific railway. In this post I will be arguing what I think is the most important part of the creation of Canada. The short answer for this is the pacific railway, but I’m going to explain why I think so.

First of all it was this that really made Canada start to unite from coast to coast. A nation united is always stronger and better. The railway unlocked a whole new chapter for Canada. With the railway in place there a whole new way of communication and transportation opened up for the people. Getting from one place to another became extremely easy and much fast ear than it was. It also helped the government maneuver forces around with ease to stop any threats that might come. The railway also increased the speed of transportation for food and supplies. If there were colonies in trouble or troops needed supplies this was a very quick and easy solution to get things there for them. In the long run this greatly helped the government maintain control and order throughout the colonies. This railway kept on evolving and spreading through the rest of Canada. This railway set the base for something much greater to come for Canada.

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