First math post of the year

Our first math unit for grade 10 was defiantly a tough one. It was something I had never done before and I don’t think that the rest of the class and done much either. Our first unit was trigonometry and it was the hardest unit I’ve done for math. In this unit we had a lot of worksheets notes and of course a final project that we had to. This unit was for half our grade so it was important we tried our very best on it no matter how hard it was. For our final project we had to create a building that had a solar panel on it that used trigonometry to get the most energy from the sun. This was something that would test the skills we learned in the classroom and would apply them in real life.


It took a lot of work to get to the point where we could actually start to build the project. The first thing we did was learn the trig ratios that would help us thought the whole unit. These ratios are sin, cos and tan. These ratios are used depending on what sides of the triangle you have. This part of trigonometry was the most important part of the unit so we spent a lot of time on it to make sure we fully understood it. After this we did a lab where we learned more about solar panels and how they work. This gave us a better understanding of our project and how we would design the solar panel.


After this it was time to build the project and apply what we learned to something in real life. This was by far my favourite part of the unit because I love to build things. I completed the project and after some revisions I had to do I was very happy with how it turned out. I understood the unit and I think my project shows that. This was good first unit to the year and it was challenging enough so that I never got bored of it for a second.

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