My Own Fairytale

In our health and career unit we have just recently did shed a project in fairy tales. In this project we got to make a fairytale on what we wanted our future to look like. This could be anything we wanted it to be. First of all we had to create a story that had detail and the full plot. We had include things like decisions our character made and why they made them. Then after we had made the story we had to make it into our own fairy tale video. This was pretty much the same thing except shorter. We had to include pictures that went with our story and had a story to tell themselves. This right here is my my fairytale story.

Once upon a time there was a boy called William, or Will for short. Will lived in a beautiful place called Deep Cove in Canada. He thought this was the best place to live in the whole world. Will was your average high schooler going to Seycove secondary school. He liked soccer, video games, his dog and shoes and loved to find new places to explore with his friends. He wasn’t the smartest kid, but not the dumbest either. Something he really liked to do is take photos. Be it with his new camera or his phone it was one of his favourite things to do. He took photos of his dog, his friends and anything else around him. All his friends encouraged him to do this and they liked taking part in it. His family also greatly encourages this and they love seeing what he can come up with for his photos. When he his older he would love to do something to do with photography.

Will would like to stay with his friends his whole life and he was going to try that as much as possible. They made him laugh and he made them laugh, it was perfect. They knew he wanted to be a photographer so they decided to help him do that. Will had heard about a competition called the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. He thought if he could win this competition he would be able to use the prize money to be able to go to university to learn about photography. This would help him get a good job so he could stay in Deep Cove with his friends. The publicity of winning would also help start his new career. Deep Cove was full of awesome wildlife so Will asked his friends to help him go on an adventure to find the perfect wildlife shot.

Will knew the perfect spot to take the photo. One of the most famous places in Deep Cove, quarry rock. So Will and his friends started the long trek up there. They saw their first opportunity in an owl that was sitting on the edge of a tree where you could just see the water and the sunrise. It was beautiful. As soon as Will was about to take the shot there was a loud flapping of wings and squawk right in front of them. The owl quickly flew away and instead there was a raven on the ground below where it was. Will looked at his camera and saw that the whole frame was taken up by a mass of black wings. The raven had ruined his shot. Him and his friends rushed over at the bird and scared it away but the damage was done.

They kept on going up the trail looking for the next shot. After crossing rivers and boulders for what seemed like years one of Will’s friends spotted a deer at the top of a large hill. With the sun right above it, at the right angle it would be amazing. Will lined up the shot and it was amazing, but then as soon as he was going to take it there was that loud squawk and a flash of feathers again. The deer ran away and again the raven had ruined his shot. Will was starting to get really mad now. The raven was trying to mess up his shots. Nevertheless Will had to keep going and it was near the top that he saw his next opportunity. A huge grizzly bear with her cubs were standing next to a tree overlooking quarry rock. Will told his friends to watch out for that evil raven as he lined up the shot. As he was taking the shot the raven appeared out of nowhere and squawked louder then ever before. Will fell back and the bears ran way back into the forest. The raven sat up in a tree and there was nothing Will could do about. He was getting extremely angry. The bird was definitely trying to ruin his shots.

Finally Will and his friends reached the end of the trail. Hey arrived on the rock itself just as sunset was happening, and there right on the edge of the rock was the last thing Will expected to see. A mountain lion. This was one of the rarest animals around the Cove and it was in the perfect position. Looking over the rock into the ocean with an amazing sunset behind it. Will lined up the shot and took it. But again out of nowhere was that evil raven. It flew right in front of the camera and ruined the shot. The mountain lion ran away and Will screamed in rage. But then he saw it, the most amazing thing he had ever seen. There was the raven directly in front of the sun. Wings far apart and feet out in front of him. The ocean in the background shining a beautiful blue colour. Without think Will looked up and took the shot in a second. With one last squawk the raven flew away and was never seen again.

Will entered the photo of the raven into the competition and a few days later the results were in and he had found out that he had won. With a grand prize of $1 million he used it to go to university and finished it within a couple of years. Using his publicity and skills he got himself an amazing job with National Geographic. He managed to buy a massive house in the Cove and now him and all his friends could be together. They continued to explore and take millions of photos. Will would never forget what happened on that day and he was very glad it happened. From then on Will and his friends would keep looking for those unexpected shots and take them if they could. Will became one of the best photographers ever and him and his friends continued to make each other laugh and they all lived happily ever after.

And this is the video I made to represent my story

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