High Tech High!!!

On our trip to California at the beginning of one of our huge destinations was a very special school called High Tech High. This school is a very interesting and unique place that is located only in California. We were there for two days and while we were there we had the opportunity to sit in a couple of classes that the students were in to see how they learn differently and the same compared to our classes. We were also partnered with two of the students that go to that school so they could show us around the school and tell us anything we needed to know.

In the first day that we were there we got partnered with our students and had a full tour of the school and saw many of the projects that the students there had created. We toured the different campuses and saw many if the different students and teachers that go to to the school. We got to sit in on the most confusing math class I have ever been in. We started to learn quadratic equations and watched a video riddle that we were tasked to solve. I only got through the first two steps before I was completely lost and had no idea what was going on.

On the second day of HTH we had to create a podcast that was based in the storycorps mission that we did earlier in the school year. We had to ask them questions about their lives at school and outside of school and then put it into a podcast for other people to listen to. We had to try and create an overall arcing story that all of the questions and answers would fit into to make it more enjoyable for the listener. After we conducted the interview with the students we had a chance to sit in on there media class and made a book that represents things we learned about our buddies while we were there. In turn I also got a book made for me that represent things I like from my buddies.

These interviews gave me a very interesting point of view of the students that go to that school and how they do their school work and balancing it with their lives at home.
What I noticed from these students is that they are very grateful to have the opportunity to go to such an amazing school with teachers and other students that are engaged and happy to be there. The school was an incredible place visit and I was very sad to leave the school and the students that were there, I really hope that one day I will get to back and visit the school again.

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