About me

My name is William Buckingham and I am in grade 10 at Seycove Secondary school. Not a lot of students have blogs like this but that is because I am in a program that is quite different from normal school this program is called PLP.

In this we use a lot of technology from our iPads to help us learn. Another big part of this program are the field schools we do. Every year we go on at least one big trip to somewhere out of our city. For example last year the whole class went to Florida for 10 days.

The biggest learning component to the program is PBL or project based learning. That means that nearly every piece of work we do contributes or is part of a project. These are things that I think makes school work a lot more fun and easier to understand. Some of my favourite things to do outside of school are to play soccer and take photos with my friends. Soccer is something I have always loved doing and it is a good way to relieve stress and have a lot of fun while doing it. Me and my friends have always loved to go out and find new places to to take photos at. It is something is a lot of fun to us and the result is some pretty cool photos that we can show other people we know. Of course we can’t go out and take photos and have fun of there is no music.

This is a photo I took of my friend when we went up the Indian arm and were exploring along the mountains.

One of our favourite artists is a rapper called Tyler, the creator and one quote he made really stuck out to me and that is why it have chosen it to represent me. The link below is to a small video I made of a quote that I think describes me. To go along with it is a photo that I have drawn that I think goes with quote as well. I made this small video using an app called sketches pro. I took a photo of myself and then inserted it into the app where I was able to trace it using the tools in the app. I then saved it to my photos and recorded my voice over it in iMovie with music that I created myself.
