The seven habits book by Steven Covey was one of the most helpful books I’ve read in a minute. It was enjoyable not because it was fun to read, but more fun in they way that your learning how to become your most effective self. What we had to do for the project was read the book to build our understanding on the seven habits. Every other day in class we watched a video to summarize the habit, talk about it, and sometimes even do an activity on it. Lots of peer critique throughout this project, personally I love it cause it pretty much kind criticism and all it can do is help.
The three main topics to be your most effective self are: Communication: How do I use the 7 Habits to communicate and collaborate, and develop habits to support my growth as a learner?, Thinking: How do I use the 7 Habits to think creatively, critically, and reflectively to support my growth as a learner?, and lastly Personal and Social: How do I use the 7 Habits to develop personal and social awareness and responsibility and positive personal and cultural identity to support my growth as a learner?. With those three categories for each one we had to think of and do a kithaestenic, video, audio, and written idea to represent each one. You can see what ideas and activities I did in the numbers document down below, and those ideas are how how I showed my understanding one the seven habits.
There aren’t any extra core competencies because those ideas are how I show my core understanding of each topic. As I’ve said a million times this project was more educational than fun built i’m still glad we got to do it because ever since we did I’ve been a more effective learner and just person in general.