If there was one word to describe the spring exhibition, it would’ve been hectic. The winter one was a little easier because of the fact we had time to rehearse and practice our presentation, before we had to present. I have a blog post on that too if you’d like to go check it out. But for this one we just had to picture what was going to happen and put it into a document that is easy enough to understand that the grade 8’s would understand. Then on the day of the exhibition we had an hour and a bit to set it all up for the guests who could be family, friends, peers and more.
So the exhibition is mainly about showing our work but we took the guests through the story spine which started off with Introduction (at Entrance): What is PLP? then went to Project Pathway (PLP Room): How do we learn?, to Beyond the Classroom (Extension): How do we make deeper connections beyond our classroom?, to Tech for Deeper Learning (Annex): How do we use technology to deepen our learning?, and then to mine, Conclusion (at Gym hallway): What is a PLP learner?. A simplified version on the story spine is right below this so you can see what I’m talking about.
At my groups section we displayed a bunch of work that the grade 8’s were both proud of and not proud of to show their improvement from the start of the year. The grade 9’s presented their documentaries on a projector with little sheets on the wall describing each one. We also had an instant challenge station to represent communication and teamwork, and then afterwards you graded yourself on the proficiency scale which was also talked about with the guests. Then our food was skittles to represent the extending mark on the proficiency scale.
My job at our station was to prepare the skittles and hand them out to guests explaining why we chose that specific food for our station. That works on my social and communication core competency having to connect with the audience and make sure they get the point im bringing across.