Hey everyone my names Xander. I live in North Vancouver and i go to Seycove and gladly in the PLP program. I play multiple sports like basketball, soccer, and most serious in baseball. I love getting outside and doing almost anything out there like a bike ride, a walk and stuff like that. I’m Strong in Math and very athletic for sports and PE. On weekend I really like to chill our with some friends in the cove or maybe even watch a movie. As you can tell I’m quite social and at least I think I’m friendly, so if you ever see me around make sure to say hi. I’m not too much of a geek, I’m one of those kids who spend hours and hours on social media. I know its bad but I like to. I’m also not the best at organization, although the iPad makes it easier I’m still not the best. Want to make this short and sweet even though that my life story, but ill just leave a few pictures of me down below. Thanks for being interested about me!