So like every other year, term 3 seems to be the year my grades descend… not a good thing I know. But this year has still has its high points and I definitely learned things like starting your work thinking you are going to just do it fast and easy without any meaning gets you started and you just get attached but at the same time… it doesn’t always necessarily work all the time.

This Post is going to cover just a few basic things like a few examples of my work, how I am doing and what I liked, my progress in general, and my goals that I had set in my winter SLC. So without any further re-due, LETS GET THROUGH THIS.

So first I will be sharing a few examples of of my favorite projects so we will be watching that shortly…



… and now we will continue… so basically the video that I showed you just now was all of the video projects we did and honestly in term three I can honestly say that that was the biggest improvement for me. Filming and editing and making videos documenting my work without use of copyright. This I really loved because the way you document your work is so easy for others to see and it’s also an easy way to show your work in a nice and neat way that everyone can enjoy… also one big lesson I learned is that a video should typically be about 3-4 min if you want people to actually see it without getting extremely bored… where I made a 7 min video about the english revolution at the beginning of the term -_-.  The other thing I loved about this was that I can always carry my old projects around with me and all the memories and the whole experience is there for me to see in a completely different way.

Now one thing I really loved about FLIGHT this year was actually what I also hated the most. Which is this Blog Portfolio… I’ll be honest with you but at the beginning of the year I thought it was a dumb idea because we had done school blogs before in Gr 8 and then it pretty much was pointless and had like 2-3 posts but this time it was different. I hated posting things and stuff but now looking back on it, it seems like a whole diary of my education this past year and really shows how much I have improved and it’s definitely become something very meaningful to me. I am going to be missing getting class time and class assignments related to posting onto a blog portfolio ( EXTREMELY SHOCKING I KNOW).

So with progress, it definitely takes a lot less time to make a keynote or an iMovie and even blog posts with the experience throughout the year and I feel like it is definitely a skill that will help me throughout my entire life and I am so grateful for that. I remember when we were first introduced to these new ways of documenting work and it took literally FOREVER and it was hard and tedious work and sooooo confusing but through that, I learned and improved and learned how to make it faster and learned the different tools.

Now here comes the grim part… my past goals…. so I know that time management is a huge habit, struggle and barrier like my whole life, not only with homework and school but also things like chores and I think that if I could break through this barrier, I could become the best person I could ever be both in work ethics and educationally because no matter how smart anyone is, if they have this problem then it seem like it’s very hard to succeed in anything.

Honestly, I have seen many people that do so well in school that I know I can do better than and they are hard working, are diligent and have an amazing work ethic and through that they recieve awards and are some of the best in class. It really makes me realize that the only reason I’m down here is not because I can’t but because I’m not trying hard enough.

My parents and teachers have been supportive about this and have tried helping me with this but I realized that this is a barrier I need to break through personally by myself with my own strength. I know I need a stronger motivation and drive to make me work and I will find it, other wise I think my highest potential capabilities would go to waste. Some times I feel like I’m not worth what I have but I read somewhere that If you feel like you’re not worth what you have and feel like you don’t have the right to deserve it, then work hard until you have earned that right. Don’t feel like someone deserves it more than you.

I know that educationally I am strong, but there are people in this world that don’t get the education I have been given and probably want and deserve it so much more than I do right now, so I guess the next step would be giving it my best and working hard to achieve my highest potential. It’s the biggest thing I need to get through in order to call myself a success.

Thank You so much for listening!





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