Science Progress

I decided to choose my Cancer Project because I thought it was a good example to show some of my strengths and weaknesses. In this project, I found myself doing a lot of research on the topic in a way that kind of distracted me at the same time. Instead of focusing on the criteria given, I spent extra time on areas that I didn’t even need and found myself having to delete paragraphs because I didn’t have enough room to explain all the information that I wanted to present. I gathered my information from all sorts of places, I found some websites that contained lots of information and the coolest part was finding these really cool apps in the app store that contained loads of information that was very well organized into sections and visually easy to understand too. I don’t think I would have even thought of trying to find apps containing information on cancer. I think I did strongly in researching my specific topic and cancer in general but I think I should have payed closer attention to how I organized and prioritized the way I was presenting it all.




I think that I need to improve in prioritizing my time between different subjects just because when ever I get caught up between 2 projects or assignments, I’ll tend to spend less of my time on science because I always feel like the other project is more significant and because it is worth more in grades and I’ve realized over the first half year that even if science labs or work sheets aren’t worth as much as a big humanities assignment… it really starts to build up, and fast too. I guess it all goes back to time managment that creates problems like this in the first place!! My main goal for this class though is to try to remember most of the stuff I learn because so much of it is so cool and facinating but in the end, I’m so focused on getting the homework and assignments done and passing quiz’s that I forget almost everything.


GOALS For 2015

1. Specific, measurable goal for Humanities.
In Humanities, I need to speak aloud more clearly infront of the class and participating more in class discussions.I think these two factors have definitley held me back in some areas and improving those skills I’m sure would help me a lot.

2. Specific, measurable goal for Science/Math.
Following the criteria specifically following the direct instructions. I found that from my previous assignments, I lost a lot of marks from becoming distracted sometimes and not answering the questions given in the criteria. I know I can improve greatly with my marks for the style if I manage my time better.

3. A personal goal that is related to work habits, habits of mind, or personal development.
Being diligent with my work and working towards not procrastinating making further problems. If I can fix this problem then I think I could improve greatly and not get into stressfull situations in the first place.



Zoo Conservation: Our adventure in Seattle

This was a really fun project that really made everyone in the group have to work together to come up with ideas and create a video that would show how “Cray Cray” Zoo Conservation (in Seattle) was. In this video, we used iMovie to put the video together and Garage band for the audio and some of the back ground music.

…I think the hardest part though was trying to make everyone work though
-_- and the project was pretty fun but really time consuming with everything to do.

The Seattle Woodland Zoo really helps ecosystems by funding and investing in various projects around the world from local species to big and exotic ones!

I think that the Seattle Zoo Conservation is “Cray Cray” because with all the projects and programms that they manage and fund. It’s amazing to see and know all the things that they have achieved and it has definitely impacted the world in such an amazing way and is saving so many various species big and small. I personally think that is what makes them so “Cray Cray”

Here’s the original script and plan!

1. Intro: Mike
Random shots/clips of the zoo:

shots/clips: Stop motion of walking into zoo, Animals, plants, …the zoo

Mike: Today we are at th SeattleWoodlandZoo and we are going to talk about … ZOO CONSERVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “We need nature, and nature needs us to take action”. As you can see this zoo is very large in size to show its importance with its conservation.

2. Why: Youna
Air, water, environment, climate (voice over):

shots/clips: Sky shot, creek, Trees

Script: A lot of things in nature affect our daily lives like the water that we drink or the food we eat, and even the very air you are breathing right this very moment…that is unless you’re holding you’re breath or you’re dead :/.

3. What “it was like Before”: Youna
???Logging, rainforest destruction, pollution, endangered species:

shots/clips: streets, cars, factories, roads, etc.

Script: Some of many issues that Zoo conservation is currently helpinging that still exist today are logging, rainforests being cut down, pollution in the air and environment, construction,and the introductions of invasive species in the environment. Climate change and natural disasters like hurricanes, storms, forest fires and earthquakes are also a big issue that has impacted the environment All of these have also contributed greatly to animals becoming threatened or endangered driving them closer to extinction.

4. Big issues:Mike
Particular events that have happened because of humans that have impacted the environment???:

shots/clips: Shots of ruined enviroments

Script: Lots of big events have happened in the past years that have greatly impacted ecosystems. Some issues are toxic wastes and radiation leaking out into the environment like what happened with the Japanese nuclear bombs, or the ???

5. What “the zoo is doing”:Mike
Investments, fundings, projects, etc.:

shots/clips: Zoo workers working, people?

Script: The Seattle Woodland Zoo is now currently investing in many projects to help conserve the environment and the world around. They help conserve endangered species by raising and breeding and raising species in the zoo and trading off with other zoo’s or reintroducing them to ecosystems and native habitats, researching and studying species creating partnerships with other zoo’s and communities that need funds and support for there projects, and also teaching others how to help endangered species and what they can do to help conserve the environment.

6. Mike’s interview: Mike
An interview with worker/volunteer on endangered species:

shots/clips: Film interview.

-What are the biggest factors to why animals are becoming endangered?
-What are some of the most endangered species?
-What can we do to help.
-Anymore information we should know about zoo conservation.

7. ZC breeding: Youna
What it does:

shots/clips: Infants (animals)??? Young plants in growth.

Script: The Woodland Zoo has been working to help repopulate many endangered and threatened species in the world. They have been involved with a program called Species Survival Plan (aka: SSP) that helps conservation breeding by cooperating with Zoo and Aquariums. The zoo participates in 72 SSP’s varying in many different species and organisms.

8. P & P:Matt
What they are and how the zoo is involved:


In the Northwest there are three organizations the “NORTHWEST AMPHIBIAN RECOVERY PROJECT” and “WESTERN POND TURTLE RECOVERY PROJECT”. 

In the Pacific Rim there are many organizations but the most important ones are “HUTAN ASIAN ELEPHANT CONSERVATION” and “WPZ-PANTHERA MALAYAN TIGER PROJECT”.

Theres only one organization in Central Asia and that is the “SNOW LEOPARD TRUST” organization.

Lastly, the organizations in Africa are the “MBELI BAI GORILLA STUDY” and “TARANGIRE ELEPHANT 

9. Examples: Matt
Particular Projects of partnerships that the zoo is involved in that had a big impact:


Oregon spotted frogs are endangered in Washington state and are a strong candidate for listing under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Nearly every year WPZ has participated in the project, the survivorship and overall size of head started frogs has increased. 2012 saw the best success yet, with nearly 1,200 frogs released at Joint Base Lewis McChord. 

The Western Pond Turtle Recovery Project is a long-term, comprehensive program to re-establish and protect this endangered species in Washington state. The program has helped reverse the fate of this native turtle, increasing its wild population from 150 turtles to approximately 800 today. 

In 2012, Hutan was merged with the Honorary Wildlife Wardens to create Wildlife Warden and Conflict Mitigation, or WWCM, to gain efficiency in the field. The Hutan Asian Elephant Conservation Project is run by Drs. Marc Ancrenaz and Isabelle Lackman, giving villagers and land owners practical solutions to potential wildlife problems.

Panthera has donated more than 4,000 of these cameras to tiger projects throughout Asia. The WPZ-Panthera Project will determine the number of tigers in priority conservation areas in the Greater Taman Negara region.

Snow Leopard Trust’s innovative Snow Leopard Enterprises program is a cooperative handicraft-based community partnership in several Asian countries, helping herders make and sell fine wool handicrafts to increase their income. 

The Mbeli Bai Study was established with the goal of providing much needed information on the population dynamics and demography of western gorillas. Long-term studies are essential because gorillas are long-lived mammals. The data collected enables scientists to assess the vulnerability of populations to threats and predict their ability to recover from decline.

10. How “it changed the world”: Matt
Brief overview and “how it changed the world”:


Lucky for us this zoo has changed the world in many ways. The Woodland Zoo has done projects and conservations from all over the world to help threatened and endangered species. The zoo has saved some of the most important animals such as predators that keep smaller critters and other types of prey from over populating. Overpopulation can endanger or threaten other species of its prey which can cause imbalance in the “food chain”.

How Barbie created the FUZZ PUFF

While making this project, I learned how interesting and detailed iMovie and Garage band could be to create a movie with so many options while I has previously used it only in class before for making “trailers”. I learned to fade out audio, add different filters, add sound effects and use multiple transitions.

I created a video to show the creation and story of how my “Fuzz Puff” came to life and how Barbie’s madness was released by the creation of this adorable animal.

Many knew and incredible inventions came to life during the Industrial Revolution and allowed people to invent things to create things in mass amounts and work more efficiently while also improving lots of medical and engineering knowledge. Through this, lots of knowledge, tools, and machinery were invented to help create the Fuzz Puff.

I would definitely go into more detail scientifically on how my frankenstuffie was created and why if I could redo it but overall I think it was pretty good. I really loved this assignment and learned so much from it and had lots of fun doing it too! THANKS!

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