Watch this YouTube video
What you just watched was the final product of my “The more things change” project. And if you were wondering, the driving question for that project was “What did European settlement mean for all the people involved?”. At the end of each project we are supposed to answer the driving question but the thing is, I already did! In the form of a thesis statement, the same thesis statement that was at the beginning of the video you just watched. If you didn’t watch the video or you just weren’t paying attention wile watching it, the thesis statement is this “European Settlement changed the way of life for First Peoples. Although there have been changes in the relationship between the government and First Nations, treaties and trading are still present today”.
If you still aren’t already convinced that I learned something form this project, I am now going to talk about the evidence of my learning. The first thing that I want to talk about is milestone 1. I enjoyed doing this and I feel that I learn a lot from it because it really made me think about a big part of the project, continuity and change. Milestone 1 was this, everyone went outside and sat down somewhere in the forest, and wrote down what we think the area that we live in was like 100 years ago. I really enjoyed it. The next thing that I want to talk about is milestone 3. The final product for this project is a infographic with 3 facts, a thesis statement, a statement about continuity and change and 4 graphics about European settlement. But we then adapted it into a YouTube video. But what I really enjoyed about milestone 3 is that it is the part of the project were we find the facts and make the graphics. I had multiple drafts but I ended up with these:
The HBC one and the hands shaking are for the continuity and change statement.
I also want to talk about the final milestone, milestone 5. I really liked this because what we had to hand in is a photo of me and my partner in front of our final infographic that we put somewhere in the school. I did this with a partner by the way, go check out his blog (
In conclusion, European settlement is a big topic to do in school and schools all around the world do projects about it, but I think that making a infographic about it was a very fun way to learn and teach others at the same time.
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